The Real Memory

Soulfelt Confessions

Ginny let out a rather peculiar squeak, her eyes widened as she stared at him for a moment, and then she turned and sprinted for the door.

Harry was too quick for her. As soon as she turned to stare at him he had vaulted over the couch. His body in this world continually surprised him. Even shifting through his memories, he couldn't tell why the Money Harry had exercised all day after drinking all night.

Just as Ginny's hand touched the door handle his body pushed into the door, making sure it wouldn't move.

Ginny jumped away from him and the door as her hand slipped inside the pocket of her uniform. Before Harry could even blink he realized that a small little gun, no bigger than Ginny's hand, was pointed at him.

"You should've let me go," Ginny's voice was strained and a little cold as she spoke. "Now I'm going to have to kill you."

Harry's heart gave a lurch. Was that his fate in this world? To be killed by the woman he loved? No, that couldn't be it, it just couldn't be.

The two of them stared at each other, the seconds slowly ticking by. As Harry studied the face of the woman he loved he uncovered a question – why had he never trusted her before?

He hadn't trusted her in the Magic Memories to come along on his hunt for the horcruxes. He hadn't trusted her in his Soccer Memories to know that he had loved her before. He hadn't trusted her in his Police Memories either and she had ended up caught by Greyback. Would things end up badly here also if he didn't trust her?

Harry couldn't take that chance.

"You aren't going to kill me, Ginny. You're not a killer. You may punch me, kick me, curse me, but you won't kill me. You value life too much," Harry said this as calmly as he could.

Ginny's eyes narrowed, "What do you know about me? You ignore me except when you're trying to get up my skirt."

Harry smiled and leaned back against the door, arms crossed, as he did his best to act casual. "Oh, I don't ignore you, granted, I was a dick before yesterday, but I didn't ignore you. You've had plenty of chances to kill me as I sleep, but you never have. I don't think you're going to kill me now."

She stared at him, the gun never wavering, as she waited for him to continue.

"I have a confession to make to you, Ginny. I failed to protect you once. In my mind it was only two days ago, but I'm not sure how long ago it really was. I was so caught up in worrying about protecting Hermione that I didn't do my duty and keep you safe also, so you got kidnapped by Greyback. I'm sorry."

Ginny was looking at him now like he was crazy. "What do you mean I was kidnapped by Greyback? He hung twenty years ago for being a pedophile. Even the government has limits, apparently. And how do you know Hermione? She's never met you."

"Oh, he was? That's good," Harry slid down to the floor so he was sitting. He wanted to look as unthreatening as possible for this next part. "You're going to call me crazy when I say that I've known Hermione since we were eleven, but it's the truth. I've known Ron and the twins that long also. In fact, that's when I first saw you."

"No, that isn't possible; you've never met any of them!" There was a panicked expression on Ginny's face as she spoke.

"Really? Then how do I know that Ron hates corned beef and maroon? Or that Hermione's favorite activity is reading? She's also rather bossy and a bit of a know-it-all, but she's got a good heart. And the twins? Well, they're the tricksters in your family, they have to be with Percy as the next oldest. Someone has to combat Percy's tendency to be a stick in the mud."

The gun slipped out of Ginny's hand and hit the floor with a thunk. A moment later she followed it in a bit more graceful fashion. "How do you know all of that? Has the government been watching us? Are my brothers in danger?"

It took a second for Harry to figure out what she was talking about. He still had to get used to the idea of there being an overly controlling government. "Oh, no, your brothers aren't in danger. And I'll tell you how I know everything if you promise not to ask questions until the end."

She stared at him for a moment, a small frown on her face, and then she nodded. With that nod Harry felt a weight lift off his chest that he hadn't even realized was there. Over the next two hours Harry told her everything. He started with the day he first saw her at the train station and ended with him spying on her in the garden yesterday.

When Harry was done talking the two of them sat in silence for a moment. Finally, Ginny spoke. Her voice was strained and disbelieving. "How do I know you're telling the truth?"

A wry smile slipped across Harry's face, "You have a patch of freckles in the shape of a heart on your left hipbone."

Ginny gasped and her hands moved to cover the spot on her left hipbone.

Harry's smile widened, "And you make noises like a cat when we're in bed together."

Ginny gasped again as her face went up in flames.

"Want me to tell you more? I can." Harry said confidently.

"No! That's good! I believe you!" Ginny said quickly, trying to stave off more embarrassing revelations. She stared at him, as they sat there in silence, her brown eyes piercing him. "Why did you tell me all of that? It's not like I can help you stop the world changing."

Harry leaned back against the door and stared up at the intricate paintings on the ceiling. "That's true, I know you can't help, but you're one of my best friends in any world. My times with you have been the happiest, no matter the world. You're my soulmate, no matter what."

"Does this mean you want me to sleep with you?" Ginny asked frankly.

Harry felt his cheeks flush, "No! That's your choice! I just want to protect you and be honest with you."

"Good answer, now, let's get out of here before Snape wakes up."

Harry grabbed his blanket from the couch and followed Ginny out of the room. The two of them walked silently down the corridors until they reached the spot where their paths diverged.

"Good night," Harry said quietly as he looked at her pale face, bathed in moonlight. He really wanted to kiss her.

"Good night, oh, are you really interested in bringing down the Fuhrer?" Her eyes met his as she asked this.

"Yes," Harry said honestly. He wanted nothing more than to kill Voldemort and end this once and for all.

"Good," she smiled at him and then raised herself up on her toes and gave him a quick kiss on the cheek. "I'm glad you aren't a drunkard anymore, I always did have a bit of a crush on you."

Before Harry could respond Ginny was gone. As he continued on his way to his room he couldn't help but think that things were finally beginning to look up.

When he fell into bed he was instantly asleep, the dream forgotten, the only thing on his mind was Ginny and the feel of her lips on his cheek.