Status: In Progress

When You're Feeling Empty, Keep Me in Your Memory


I fumbled with my cell phone waiting for the hair dresser to show. She was late as usual. I told my manager that I wanted to find a new stylist. I gave up and walked out pissed off that no one was there to do my hair for this shoot. I tapped the white and red box of Marlboro Reds on the palm of my hand once I stepped out in the hot California sun. I pulled the thin tan and white cigarette and placed it between my bright red painted lips then took the lighter from the box letting the flame strike the cancerous stick. I sighed after taking a long drag then pulled the stick from my lips and taking in my surroundings.

Slowly I walked towards my truck that sat off to the side on the sight of the shoot and reached into the back grabbing a large suitcase style bag and finished the cigarette then gave it a toss before walking back inside the camper that I was getting ready in. Slamming down the suitcase I plugged in what I need then began to do my hair in big curls.

I felt the buzz of my phone on the counter. I turned from the spot where I was being dressed in a tight elegant white wedding dress. They tugged on the strings and I took the phone from an assistant and read, where ya at sexy?

I chuckled and responded to Jimmy, at a photo shoot up in a country estate in LA!

“Aryn, we’re ready for you,” someone walked in telling me.

I nodded and walked out then was lead out in front of this beautiful home. Be lead towards a large water fountain in front the million dollar home.

After hours of laying and standing out in the sun and a few hours inside the beautiful home in this big white ball gown I was released to go home. I tossed my stuff into the back seat then drove back home to Temecula. My hair was still in the big curls from the shoot, but I wore a pair of short shorts and a tank top with a pair of flip flops on my feet.

Pulling up to the drive way I saw a car I’ve never seen before, but shrugged it off and continued to walk in after unlocking the door. Strange, it’s never locked when someone is home. I shrugged it off and continued my trek inside. I sat my keys on the table by the door. Walking further into the living room I froze dead in my tracks. Shielding my eyes I hurried out of the room gagging at the site I just witnessed. My brother practically rapping this girl I’ve never meet before. “Could you at least have the decency to do that in your room!?” I yelled aggravated at him from the hallway.

“You weren’t home, so it didn’t matter at the time!” he said just as frustrated that I had caught him.

I shook my head, “is it safe to at least pass through?”

“Yeah,” he grumbled.

I sighed and walked back in, “you are disgusting.”

He just put his black Rockstar Mulisha hat on and whispered to the girl something who seemed to be a little embarrassed. I shrugged and walked into the kitchen. My phone rang as I walked in. I pulled it from my hip where it sat between my hip and my shorts, “hello?”

“Hey, you said you were back in Temecula, you should come over,” Jimmy said to me.

“I guess I could,” I said slowly.

“You guess?” he asked.

“Yup,” I said grabbing the water from the fridge and walking out through the living area towards my bedroom.

“Come on you know you want too,” he said softly.

“Let me get change and I’ll be right over,” I said and dug in my closet putting on a pair of denim shorts and left the lemon lime color tank top on from when I left the shoot. Sliding on a pair of Puma’s then grabbing my stuff I spoke into the phone again, “okay I’m on my way!”

He chuckled, “alright see you soon dear.”

“Bye for now!” I said and hurried out after hanging up.

“I’m going out! Don’t wait up!” I yelled towards the living room and out to my room I went.

I hurried towards the Fitzpatrick residence excited to see Jimmy again. It’d be roughly a week since the incident at home with him, but we had been in contact by cell phone. Once I pulled up the drive of the large Fitzpatrick Estate I got out and was greeted by Jimmy walking on in his dark wash jeans and cut off Mulisha tee and his yellow labs tailing behind him.

I smiled as I was engulfed in a big hug from him as he lifted me off my feet causing me to giggle like a child. “Someone missed me,” I said hugging him back.

“That I did,” he said and kissed my cheek lightly before setting me down. I blushed and smiled at him. “Come on, come take a walk with me.”

I nodded and let him take my hand and lead me around his property. We stayed silent till we were pass his course and walking the vineyard part of his family’s estate. “So how was the photo shoot today?” he asked looking over at me.

“Good, it was a wedding dress shoot,” I said smiling.

“Ah did you get to where a wedding gown?” he asked me.

I nodded, “it was pretty. I’ll make sure you get a picture how bought that?”

“Sounds awesome,” he said and smiled. I nodded and we continued to walk as the sun sat in front of us.
♠ ♠ ♠
Photo Shoot

At Jimmy's

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