Status: New story

How wrong we were to think


Day 7

Mikey's POV


"It's been a week now since seventeen-year-old Frank Iero was kidnapped. The teenager was forced into a car outside the Guitar Shop, Guitar Heaven, after an unknown-armed man dressed in black was reported to have gone into the shop to speak to it's owner, Brian Schechter, and demanded one million dollars.

Brian has stated that he does not know who the man was or why he wanted the money, other than the man had told him that his boss wasn't happy with Brian. We still do not know who this mysterious boss is. Police are still searching the nearby areas, in the hope that Frank is maybe held somewhere in New Jersey, and we all thoroughly hope that they don't have to start searching for a body instead.

I'm Trisha Paton, Reporting Live,"

I blinked slowly as it all registered in my brain. Frank Iero, I recognised that name… Frank Iero! The weird kid who played guitar in school, who had no friends, who got bullied for being gay. Poor kid. Then something else hit me. My brother had been missing for a week, too. He'd called me last Thursday, saying he'd be away for a while, that he had a new job… Oh fuck, what if Gerard was this guy? That was plausible.

"Mom," I called. My Mom, Donna, poked her head in from the kitchen where she was making me lunch "Yes, sweetie?"

"Did you hear about the guy who got kidnapped?"

"Frank Iero? Yes, I heard about that the other day. I'm sure I know his mother…"

I nodded. "You do. Um, I had a thought. I'm sure they released information about what the kidnapper-guy looked like, his height and hair colour. Mom, what if it's Gerard?"

My Mom's face turned stern. "Don't mention his name, Michael. He is not part of this family any longer, do you understand?"

"Why, though?"

"You know fine well why,"

I frowned. "Because he's gay? Because he likes guys instead of girls? Because he's different?" I was angry "You treat him like he's a fucking freak, Mom. There's nothing wrong with being gay!"

My mom glared. "Mikey, stop it! You know it's not just that. Gerard brought it all upon himself. I don't mind him being… gay… but if I hadn't caught him and his last boyfriend-"

"Mom, don't even bother. What's it to you if he's fucked guys? You wouldn't give a shit if he'd fucked a chick,"

My Mom narrowed her eyes at my language for a moment. "It's not right, I say this time and time again, Mikey," she shook her head and left the room. I sighed and let my face fall into my hands. "Gerard, where are you?" I mumbled quietly.