Status: New story

How wrong we were to think


Day 14

Mikey's POV


Gerard, where are you?

I sat, looking thoughtfully out the window, watching the raindrops trickle down, as if chasing each other across the glass. As I sat I wondered where my brother was and what he was doing. I was pretty sure that it was him who kidnapped the Frank guy. I know my brother pretty well, and something just told me that this was him. Should I have gone to the cops about it? Probably. But he's my brother. How could I?

I also thought back to what my Mom had said about him being gay. She'd only been mad at him since she walked in on Gee and his boyfriend (from three years ago) having sex. My mom, being a mother, freaked out and Bert wasn't allowed anywhere near our house again, and Gerard was grounded for ages, too. The thought that Gee and this guy, Frank, were maybe together kept popping into my head. Maybe Gerard didn't really kidnap Frank, maybe Frank tricked Brian, and this is how they're gonna get the money?

I wasn't sure.

I picked up my cell phone and hesitantly dialled Gerard's number, holding my breath as it rang.

"Hello?" an unfamiliar voice answered, sounding just as hesitant as I felt.


"Um… no. This is… Frank…" The guy said. Frank! The guy! I heard my brother's voice in the background, sounding slightly pissed off.

"Frank? Oh, okay, Um, could you tell Gerard that it's Mikey?"

The guy, Frank, paused for a moment before he replied. "Sure," I heard him tell Gerard who I was.

"Gimme the fucking phone," Gerard said. Then He answered it.


"Gee! Are you okay? What's going on? Why the fuck is that guy, Frank with-"

"Shut up!" He interrupted "Okay, Yes, I'm fine, alright? I think you know what's going on, Mikey. We always were kinda psychic with each other,"

"You're an idiot. You guys are all over the news,"

"I know. I saw,"

I paused. "But… you're okay?"


"And what about Frank? I remember him from school, he's in my Music class,"

"Um, he's… okay," Gerard answered slowly.

I sighed. "What happened?"

"I can't talk now, I'm trying to drive, actually." Gerard replied.

"No! Give the phone to Frank. I'll talk to him,"

Gerard hesitated.

"I won't tell the cops I swear on my life," I promised.

Gerard handed the phone over.

"H-hello?" Frank's voice said.

"Hey, Frank. I'm Mikey, I've been in your music class for two years,"

"Mikey… Oh, Mikey! Um, Hi?"

"Yeah, I'm Gerard's brother. Can you tell me, what's happening?"

Frank paused. "I don't know if I should…"

"You can speak in front of Gee, Frank. Did he hurt you?"

There was a long pause this time, and Frank sounded reluctant with his reply. "Yes," he said quietly. "What did he do? Did he punch you? Kick you?"

"He… he…both of them,"

"Has he threatened you?"

"Mikey I really don't-"

"Frank, I wont tell anybody, I just want to know what's going on. Did he fuck you? Did you two have sex with each other?" Frank didn't reply for quite a while and I thought he had left the phone, but then he answered, his voice cracking and wobbling slightly.

"Yes," He said, so quiet it was difficult to hear him.

I wasn't sure how to reply. It was almost what I expected frank to say, but when he said it, I couldn't find any words. Gerard had fucked this guy. This poor, frightened little guy. He'd beat him up and he'd… he'd raped him. I know it's my brother I'm talking about, but at that point all I thought was that, that was sick and twisted.

"Frank, is Gerard still driving?"

"No, he's pulled in at the side, want to talk to him?"

"Yeah, please,"

Frank handed the phone over. I didn't wait for Gerard to answer properly.

"You fucking beat him up and you raped him," I snapped "You're a twisted bastard, Gerard,"

"What? Mikey, I didn-"

"Don't lie. Frank just told me. You fucked him, then? When was this? How many times, Gerard?"

"Mikey he wanted it, He-"

I shook my head as I interrupted him. "Gerard don't bother lying about this,"

"I'm not! Mikey, he's the fucking one who keeps going on about how much he loves me and the one who gave me a blowjob, without me asking,"

I stayed quiet for a moment. "Do you love him?" I finally asked. "Stay here, Frankie," I heard him say. Then I heard a door closing. I guessed he'd left the car to answer. "I don't know," he sighed.

"You don't know?"

"I… I think I do," he said quietly. He sighed again "Mikey, I-oh shit,"

"Gee? What's wrong?" I asked, starting to get worried. I heard sirens in the background.

"Shit, it's the cops. I'll call you later," he rushed, hanging up the phone barely after finishing the sentence. I bit my lip as I put my phone away. My Mom walked in a few minutes later, I hoped she hadn't been listening.

"Was that your brother on the phone?"

"Yes, it was Gerard on the phone, Mom," I paused, "And Frank," I added quietly. My Mom heard me. Her eyes widened. "And FRANK? The boy who was-"


"You're not telling me that-"

"I am!" I got to my feet and grabbed my Mom's hands "Mom, please don't tell anybody, I'm begging you, I promised Gee I wouldn't tell, please,"

She looked hesitant. But agreed, "Only if you tell me what he's been doing with Frank," My Mom said, raising en eyebrow. I sighed.

"They did it, Mom, before you ask," her eyes widened, but she said nothing. She just nodded once and pulled away from me, disappearing into the kitchen.
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Okay so how d you like it, as ive said its cemetry drive 911 of