Status: New story

How wrong we were to think

So gimme all your poison

Frank's POV


"Did he hurt you, Frank?" Bob asked, looking sympathetic. I shook my head. Ray frowned at me. "Frank… have you seen yourself?" he gestured towards me "Your face, arms and stomach are covered in bruises. Your neck is bruised, too. Don't tell us he didn't hurt you, you can trust us," he smiled warmly. I nibbled my lip.

"He… hurt me," I admitted, "But I didn't mind,"

Bob and Ray looked at each other.

"What do you mean?" Bob asked.

I thought back to when Gerard was slapping me and kicking me, and then fucking me.

"I mean… I liked it. It hurt a lot… yeah, but… I know he doesn't hate me. He wouldn't have hurt me really bad,"

"Frank, he did. He broke two of your ribs,"

I sighed, and felt the pain rack through my tired, bruised, broken body. He was right, it was agony. "But I love him,"

Bob looked disgusted. "How can you love that psycho?" Bob asked me "Frank, he's a murderer, we've been tracking him for a year. He could have killed you, you're lucky we found you when we did,"

I shook my head. "No! Gerard wouldn't have killed me. He just got mad at me when I was wrong! He looked after me. For two weeks, he gave me a purpose,"

Ray sat back in his chair, looking exasperated. "What did he do? Explain what happened when he raped you, Frank,"

Rape? "He didn't rape me," I said.

Bob looked fed up now. "Frank, he took advantage of you."


Ray shook his head at Bob, then turned to me. "It might be difficult, but just tell us what happened the first time,"

Gerard never raped me. Sure, he hurt me a lot, but I knew he didn't mean it. "He… I was handcuffed to the bed," I began quietly, avoiding Bob or Ray's eyes, "Well, we kissed before that. I wanted him to kiss me, we…got undressed and then he cuffed me down," I paused, not sure whether to go further than that. "He fucked me," I said.

Bob and Ray looked equally disgusted.

"Didn't you shout for help? Try to escape?" Bob asked me. I shook my head, remembering it. "No. I enjoyed it," I admitted, "I don't want you to arrest him, please. He didn't rape me, I love him, please,"

"Even if he didn't, which I'm still convinced he did, he's still under arrest for kidnapping, attempted robbery and the murder of three people in the past year. Frank, do you know how those people died?"

I shook my head, my stomach knotting.

"Frank, he kidnapped them, raped them and then their bodies were found weeks later. We thought he'd done the same to you,"

"Who…" I cleared my throat "Who were they?"

"Andrew Summers, Jack Middleton and Raymond Tallow," he said. I felt sick. I had known all three of them well. I knew what had happened to them, but the thought of Gerard raping them was just… so horrible. It didn't change how I felt about him, though.

"Can I see him?" I asked.

"Gerard?" I nodded at Bob. "Frank," Ray said "I don't think it's a good idea,"

"Please. Give us two minutes," I begged.

It worked. Ten minutes later, Gerard was dragged into the room and sat opposite me. Ray and Bob stood behind him, looking serious, and the security guy stood by the door again. Gerard looked relieved when he saw me. He placed his hands on the table, and I put my hands in his. Ray frowned, but said nothing.

"I'm sorry," Gerard said quietly to me.

"What for?" I asked.

"For everything. I hurt you,"

I shook my head, "I don't care. I love you, Gee,"

"You don't really,"

"I do, honestly. You're everything to me, Gerard," I squeezed his hands and a small smile

found it's way to his face. He looked up at me, studying me carefully.

"I Lov-" he stopped and sighed "I'll miss you, Frank,"

"I don't want you to go to prison," I said.

"I know. I don't wanna go myself, obviously. I'll miss you so much though," He smiled and stroked my cheek with the back of his hand. Bob glared and Gerard took his hand away. "I want you to stay with me," I said quietly to him. He squeezed my hand. "I'd love that. But by the time they let me out, if they let me out, you'll be in love with somebody else probably,"

I shook my head. "I won't,"



"Time up," Bob said sternly. Gerard went to stand up but I leapt across the table, onto his lap and pulled his face towards mine, crushing our lips together. Our mouths moved in sync with each other, tongues exploring, saying goodbye. This was our last kiss for a long while, I knew that. I let one hand run down his chest, and he shivered and pulled me into him. I saw the security guy coming towards us from the corner of my eye and moved my hands to Gerard's back, holding him as close as physically possible. I never wanted to let go of him. I wanted us to be alone right then. I wanted him to fuck me and tell me for the first time that he loved me back. I playfully bucked my hips, and he let out a tiny moan that sent a lot of blood rushing down south. I sucked on his bottom lip, about to deepen the kiss, when I felt an arm gently, but firmly, grip mine and pull me away from him. I cried out as the security guard grabbed Gee and pulled him to his feet. I tried to pull away but Bob was too strong, he held me firmly by the arm. Gerard's sad eyes met mine just before the door shut.

Then he was gone. I felt tears building up, and I swallowed with difficulty. Ray and Bob

looked slightly weirded out by the kiss, but quickly composed themselves to speak to me.

"You really do love him, don't you?" Ray asked softly. I nodded, wiping away tears that were threatening to spill onto my cheeks at any moment.

Ray sighed. "Okay, he's not under arrest for rape any more, I guess. But he's still doing a long sentence for murder, attempted robbery and kidnapping,"

I nodded slowly. "Okay,"

There was a knock at the door and a boy with glasses poked his head in. He looked very similar to Gerard, except from he was taller, thinner and had brown hair. Ray nodded at him. "Ah, Mikey, you're here to collect Frank?"

I recognised him from my Music class. Mikey. Gerard's little brother.

Mikey nodded. Bob let go of me and Mikey reached for my arm. He saw me hesitate. "Hey, don't worry. I won't bite," he smiled faintly "Gerard wanted me to look after you while he's away,"

I nodded and let Mikey take me by the arm. He nodded at the two Detectives, and walked me into the corridor, shutting the door behind him. He looked at me aw we walked. "Are you alright?"

I shrugged, letting the tears fall. Mikey stopped, fumbled in his pocket, and handed me a clean hankie. I blew my nose and wiped the tears away. We started walking again, heading for the door now. "I love him so much," I whispered.

Mikey nodded. "I know. Frank, he adores you, too,"


"Yeah. Hasn't he told you that?"

I shook my head.

"Oh. Well, he told me. Frank, he's madly in love with you, anybody can see that,"

I tried not to smile. Gerard loved me. After everything, he really did love me. Mikey helped me into his car, and sat down in the drivers seat, looking at me for a moment. "You had sex with him," I nodded slowly. Mikey paused, "How many times?" I shrugged at him. "I don't… I

I nodded and let Mikey take me by the arm. He nodded at the two Detectives, and walked me into the corridor, shutting the door behind him. He looked at me aw we walked. "Are you alright?"

I shrugged, letting the tears fall. Mikey stopped, fumbled in his pocket, and handed me a clean hankie. I blew my nose and wiped the tears away. We started walking again, heading for the door now. "I love him so much," I whispered.

Mikey nodded. "I know. Frank, he adores you, too,"


"Yeah. Hasn't he told you that?"

I shook my head.

"Oh. Well, he told me. Frank, he's madly in love with you, anybody can see that,"

I tried not to smile. Gerard loved me. After everything, he really did love me. Mikey helped me into his car, and sat down in the drivers seat, looking at me for a moment. "You had sex with him," I nodded slowly. Mikey paused, "How many times?" I shrugged at him. "I don't… I don't know..." I tailed off.

"Sorry if I'm being pervy," Mikey said. I smiled faintly.

"It's alright,"

"Good…. Frank?"


Mikey paused for a moment, starting the engine. "It'll be okay," he said "We'll sort this mess out," He reversed out of the parking space and drove onto the main road. I stared absent-mindedly out the window as he drove wherever we were going. Back to his house, presumably? I wondered if Gerard had stayed with his parents and brother, or if he had his own flat or house somewhere. I didn't feel like talking, so I didn't bother to ask him. I also wondered how long Gerard would be locked away for, and if I'd be allowed to see him. Would I cope without him for years? Would I find somebody else, like he said? I didn't want anybody else right then, though. I wanted Gerard.

Mikey pulled in at a nice big house, quite near to my own house, in fact.

"We're here," he announced, pulling the key out of the ignition. I blinked, and took my seatbelt off, getting out of the car at the same time as Mikey. "Where are we?" I asked.

"My parents' house," Mikey said, locking the car and opening the front door to the house "Come on in," he said. I followed him inside, jumping slightly as he shut the door loudly behind me. I looked around curiously. They had a nice house. It was quite dark inside, only two or three windows with curtains half-open, and it was lit by a few dim lamps and some candles. The furniture was nice, too. Almost Gothic. Mikey stopped at the stairs. "Do you want to see Gerard's old room?" he asked me, as if reading my mind. I nodded slowly. Mikey smiled at me and headed down the stairs to the basement room. I followed him cautiously.

"This is where Gee used to spend pretty much all of his time," Mikey said "Most of his stuff's still here, actually. I wouldn't let my Mom get rid of it," he pushed a door open and gestured for me to go inside. I gasped when I saw all the posters and drawings that covered Gerard's wall. I knew he was good at art but the pictures were just… wow. He had a lot of art stuff piled high on desks and chests of drawers, alongside makeup, ornaments and CD's.

"I'm just going to go tell my Mom we're here, I won't be long," Mikey said, leaving me alone to look around Gerard's room. I went to his wardrobe and opened it up, smiling slightly as I looked through Band Merchandise. Misfits hoodies and shirts, Black Flag shirts, a Smashing Pumpkins hoodie… I took the Misfits hoodie out and pulled it over my head, breathing in. It smelled of Gerard. A few tears rolled down my cheeks and I wiped them away, closing the

wardrobe and going over to his desk and looking at his sketches. Near the top was a really good sketch of a guy, probably around Gerard's age. He was quite good-looking, too.

At the bottom, beside Gerard's signature, was a little note.


it said, I'll always love you.
I felt my stomach knotting. Did Gerard have a boyfriend? This sketch was dated three years

back, but that didn't mean anything…


I looked around to see Mikey standing at my shoulder.

"My Mom wants to meet you… is everything okay?" He noticed the hoodie but said nothing. He peered over my shoulder at the sketch, and frowned when he realised what I was thinking.

"Don't worry about that," he said "That's Gerard's ex-boyfriend, Bert," I put the sketch down with a sigh of relief. "They broke up when my Mom caught them…" Mikey tailed off awkwardly, and I tried not to laugh. That would have been awkward!

Mikey cleared his throat. "Want to come upstairs now then?" I nodded and shuffled up the stairs after him, heading into the lounge. Two women were sitting having coffee when we got there. They looked around and I froze. My Mom was there. My Mom who hates me because I'm gay. She smiled at me and got to her feet.

"Frankie, sweetheart! You're okay!" She rushed towards me, pulling me into a hug. I pulled away. "Mom, I'm not five," I huffed.

"Frank, you were kidnapped for two weeks, I'm allowed to hug you. How are you? What happened?"

Mikey stepped in front of her, defending me. "Um, sorry Mrs Iero, but I think Frank needs some time right now. He doesn't really want to talk about it yet,"

My Mom looked peeved, but nodded and sat back down beside who I assumed to be Gerard and Mikey's Mom. The blonde woman smiled warmly.

"Hello, Frank. I'm Donna, Mikey's Mom," she glanced at Mikey. "Sorry, Gerard and Mikey's Mom," she added hastily. She looked awkward for a second.

"Sit down, boys," she patted the sofa and Mikey and I sank down beside her. She asked me a bit about myself, chatting away as if we were friends. She was interested in my Guitar-playing and my job, and what subjects I was taking at school. When I told her I was gay, she frowned a little, and so did my Mom, but she moved on swiftly.

"I wish Gerard was here," I said quietly to myself after a while. Donna, Mikey and my Mom heard me. "Honey, I know he's my son and all, but he.. He kidnapped you and he raped…" she hesitated "He wasn't very nice to you, Frank,"

Here we go again.

I shook my head, about to speak, but Mikey spoke for me.

"Mom, he and Gerard love each other. All the shitty rape allegations are false,"

My Mom looked at me. "Frank, did you and Gerard… sleep together?" I tried not to roll my eyes at her. "We had sex, if that's what you're getting at," I said. My mom and Donna gasped and looked at me in shock. "Frank, that's just wrong," my Mom said, "You're both-"

"We're both what? We're both guys? So what? I love Gerard and I don't care if he beat me up, those two weeks on the run were better than living with you! You're a bitch,"