Status: New story

How wrong we were to think

Another chapter

What's your name?" I asked randomly after a while of driving in silence. We were near the outskirts of New Jersey, now, and again I wondered where we were going. He glanced around at me for a moment, before returning his attention to the road. "Gee,"


He looked annoyed. "Yes, Gee. Short for Gerard."

"Oh. Okay," I sat back in my seat and watched him for a while, until he noticed.

"What the fuck are you staring at?" he demanded, I just shrugged and looked out of the window. Another few silent moments passed. "Where are we going?"

Gee sighed. "I dunno. Somewhere far away so nobody can find you," he turned off onto a road that led away from New Jersey altogether. "I've got some money on me, we can maybe stay in a motel or two,"

"Won't Brian have called the cops by now?"

Gee laughed. "Yeah, probably. But they won't know what I look like." He pulled the bandana down and threw it onto the passanger seat. "Brian knows what I look like," I said. Gee nodded. "I know that. But we're going far enough away so that, hopefully, nobody will recognise you,"

I felt slightly homesick for a moment. How long would I be with him? Would I survive it? He had said he wouldn't hesitate to kill me, and he'd shoot me on the spot if I tried to escape. I sighed and looked out the window again. I wondered if I'd get to see my eighteenth birthday in a month's time.

Gee glanced at the dashboard and swore. He turned round and headed back towards the main road. "Where are we going now?" I asked.

"I need to get more gas, we hardly have enough to get us three miles right now," he said, heading along to the nearest gas station. He locked me in while he filled up the tank. He wasn't giving me the slightest chance of escape. Gee surprised me by going in to pay for the gas, too. Criminals usually would just steal everything. Unless he was trying to keep a low profile. I hopped into the passanger seat while he was away and opened the glove box, rifling through lots of envelopes that were stuffed inside it. I jumped and slammed the glove box shut when The door opened and Gee sat down. He raised an eyebrow. He didn't seem to have noticed that I was looking through his stuff, though. "Why are you sitting in the front?" I shrugged. He laughed, and this time it was almost a nice laugh. "Right, okay, dude," he started up the engine and began driving again. "Lets get to the motel,"


We had been driving for ages and still not appeared at this motel. I was starting to get fed up. "How long is this taking?" I asked. Gerard shot me a look as if to remind me that we weren't friends and this wasn't just a little day out. He was holding me hostage. "As long as it needs to," he snapped "Now shut the fuck up, okay? Your getting on my nerves." I kept quiet after that. He still had the gun in his pocket and I really didn't want him using it on me.
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