Status: New story

How wrong we were to think


Day 17

Frank's POV


I poked the veggie burger with the fork, trying to decide whether or not I wanted to eat it. I decided not. I felt sick. I'd felt sick ever since Gerard got arrested. There was this horrible

feeling in my stomach that wouldn't go away. I was worried about him, and I couldn't bring myself to eat anything. If he wasn't getting fed properly, then I wouldn't either.

Mikey and Donna frowned at me. (I was staying with them for a few weeks until I decided if I wanted to live with my Mom again or not). "Frank, you have to eat something," Mikey said to me. I just stared at my plate.

"I'm not hungry, I feel sick," I mumbled.

"Honey, you haven't been eating properly for the past few days," Donna said, sounding worried. I just shrugged and stabbed a bit of lettuce with the fork. I sighed and picked up the burger, aware that Mikey and Donna were watching me. I took a bite and chewed, and gagged. It tasted of nothing and it made me feel even more sick than before. I swallowed with difficulty, trying not to puke, and put the burger down on my plate.

I wondered what Gerard was doing then. Maybe he'd be having dinner, too. What would they give him for dinner? Would he even be… I hated to say it. Alive? The other prisoners in the visiting room probably heard our conversation and guessed me and Gerard were together… were we together? What counted as being in a relationship? Gerard had said that the fact that we'd fucked didn't mean anything. But that was before… well, before everything, really. He was everything to me, and I know he felt similar. What would the other prisoners do to a gay guy? The feeling in my stomach got worse, and I got up and dashed to the bathroom to be sick. Mikey was with me in a matter of seconds. He gave me a drink of water when I was

finished, and put an arm round me as I flopped against the wall.

"You okay now?" Mikey asked tentatively.

I shrugged, taking a small sip of water.

"Is this about Gerard?" Mikey asked me. I looked away from him, trying to hide the tears. But Mikey noticed, and he handed me some toilet roll to wipe them away with. But that made me think of Gerard wiping away my tears and I cried even more. Mikey pulled me into his arms and I cried onto his shoulder, trying not to think of Gerard. That would only make it worse. I pulled away after a moment and wiped my nose.

"Sorry if I snotted on your hoodie," I said, nodding towards his shoulder. He just shook his head. "Nah, it's okay, Frank," He looked worried.

"Frank, are you going to be okay?"

I nibbled my lip. "I don't know…" I wiped away the new tears fiercely. "I have to be, don't I? He'll be in there for years… If…" I tailed off but Mikey knew what I was going to say.

"Hey, he'll be okay, it's my brother we're talking about, he'll survive," Mikey tried to reassure me, but he himself didn't look too confident.