Status: New story

How wrong we were to think

Gimme all your hopless thourghts

Mikey's POV

"Frank?" I knocked on his door, formally my brother's door, and gently opened it, "Breakfast." I pushed the door open and flicked the light on. I gasped. Frank was cuddled up next to…Gerard. How the fuck was he there? How the hell did he get there, and did Frank even know he was there? Frank blinked open his eyes, and glanced around, spotting me first. He yawned. "Morning, Mikey," he said. Then he turned to Gerard, and reached up to kiss him. Gerard's eyes flickered open and softened when he saw Frank. He pulled back when he spotted me.

"Mikey?" he grinned.

"Gee…" I stepped forward, then stopped, "Why the fuck aren't you still in prison?"

"They let me out on bail," he said.


Gerard shook his head. "Doesn't matter," he said. Frank moved to get up, but Gerard caught his arm. "Uh, Frank?" he nodded down the way and Frank looked at himself under the covers.

"Oh," he glanced down at Gerard and his eyes widened.

It was then that I noticed the clothes scattered around the room. "Did you two have…?"

Gerard nodded and pulled Frank closer to him, kissing his neck gently. I pulled a face. "Okay! I'll leave you to get dressed then! I'll tell mom you're here, Gee, and I wont mention what you and Frank have been… up to," I smirked as I closed the door, but I waited outside for a moment, trying to hear what they would say.

"You're fucking sexy, have I told you that before?" I heard Gerard say. Frank giggled. "You have," he said "On many occasions," I heard one of them get up.

"And you, Mr Way," Frank said to my brother "Have a nice ass," I heard Gerard laugh and I heard them kissing. "Thank you," he replied. "Um, Gerard?" Frank said. "Yes?"

"Can we… do that again tonight? I mean what we did last night. It was nice,"

"You mean sleep together or…?"

"I mean," frank lowered his voice, "You fucking me like that," I heard him pick something metal up. "And look what I still have," he said, a smirk in his voice.

"You kept the handcuffs?"

"Yes. And I want you to use them on me later," I heard Frank say, "Along with these," I didn't see what he was talking about but Gerard giggled and I heard him kiss Frank loudly for a minute. "That is fucking hot. I'm looking forward to this," he said.

I left them then, trying to decide if what I heard was romantic or disturbing. And I wasn't sure whether I wanted to know what Gerard had used the handcuffs for when he and Frank were on the run, or what Frank was showing Gerard. Frank still hadn't spoken much about what happened between him and Gerard last year. All I knew was that Gee had beat him up badly and then fucked him, and Frank fell in love with him somehow, and Gee fell in love with Frank. But Gerard had never actually told Frank that he loved him. I'd heard him say he adored Frank at prison visits, but never that he loved him.

I found my Mom in the kitchen, setting the table for breakfast.

"Mom. Gerard's here,"


"Your son,"

Her eyes widened. "But he's in-"

"He got released on bail. Wouldn't tell me why. He's downstairs with Frank. They're coming up in a minute."

My Mom looked stunned, then nodded, and went to the cupboard, and getting another plate and making Gerard some toast. "Its not the best 'welcome home' breakfast," she said "But If I'd known he was coming back this morning, I'd have made him a cake or something," she mumbled. I was surprised. Had she forgiven him for being gay? Not that she should have to, there's nothing wrong with it.

Gerard and Frank appeared, dressed, and holding hands a few minutes later. Now that I saw him in the light, he looked a lot different. I hadn't visited him in prison for a few months, and a few months had changed him. He had some scars on his arms and neck, and my stomach twisted when I saw them, his hair was really short, but I'd already seen it like that, and he was a lot paler looking, with big dark circles under his eyes. He'd lost a lot of weight, too. You could almost see his ribs sticking out through his shirt and his cheekbones were more noticeable than usual. Mom looked at him warily, then rushed forwards to hug him. Frank abruptly let go of Gerard's hand. Gee hesitated on the hug, his arms hanging by his sides, but then he awkwardly put them around Mom's shoulders, and hugged her stiffly. She pulled away, wiping a few tears from her cheek.

"I've missed you, sweetie, I'm sorry about everything," She said.

Gerard shrugged. "Its okay."

"No, it's not. I've been a horrible Mom." she argued "I've always treated Mikey better because you're gay and I regret it, Gerard. You're still my baby boy, even though you're all grown up. You're so talented, Gerard. I've always been proud of you,"

Gee just sat down at the table, avoiding my Mom's eyes. Frank sat beside him and Mom and I sat opposite them.

I watched Frank eating. Even when he got a new boyfriend, he wasn't eating properly, but this time he finished his breakfast and my Mom made him a second helping of toast, and he ate that, too. My Mom looked pleased that he was eating properly again. Then I looked at Gerard. He had hardly touched his. I frowned at him.

"Gee, eat up," I ordered.

He glared playfully at me for a second. "Not hungry," he muttered "I've kinda got used to eating very little," he added. I looked at him again. He really was so skinny. Then I looked at the scars. "Gee," I said.


"Um, the scars on your arms and neck…?"

My Mom and Frank looked at Gerard expectantly for an answer. He sighed, and glanced down at the pale red marks that were really noticeable on his pale skin.

"I… got in a few fights," he replied quietly.

Frank looked shocked and worried. Gerard smiled tiredly at him. "You know what they do to guys like us in prison, Frankie," he mumbled. Frank rested his head on Gerard's shoulder. "When?" he asked him.

"Not that long ago. On my arms, just before you last visited me, you couldn't see them because I had long sleeves on. On my neck, three weeks ago,"


"I don't want to talk about it," Gerard interrupted, sounding slightly pissed. Frank went quiet, I guessed he knew all too well not to get on Gerard's bad side. The way his nose was bent slightly and the scars on his stomach would always remind him. It still puzzled me why Frank fell in love with my brother in the first place.

Gerard sighed and took a sip of coffee, paused, then downed the mug in a matter of seconds. Probably the first coffee he'd had in a year. Frank cleared his throat and stood up.

"One minute," Frank said. He left the room and went out the back, probably for a smoke. Gerard stayed put. I raised an eyebrow.

"You stopped smoking?"

He nodded. "Quit while I was in prison," was all he said to me. My Mom got up and cleared away the dishes. Frank came back in and sat down as she put the dished into the sink.

"You got any plans for the day?" My Mom asked.

"Uh, Alicia's coming over," I replied.

"Alicia?" Gerard wondered.

"Mikey's Girlfriend," Frank told him. Gee nodded once. Frank's eyes widened.

"Oh shit," he muttered.

"What's up?" Gerard looked concerned.

Frank shook his head quickly. "Nothing…doesn't matter,"