Status: New story

How wrong we were to think

Chapter 3


Gee finally pulled in at a little motel just as the sun was beginning to set in the sky. It was early October, and the nights were already getting much shorter. I liked October, not just because it's my birth month, but because of the weather, and the smell. It smelt so… I dunno, Autumny. You know what I mean. The leaves were going red and orange and falling from the trees, acorns and conkers were falling and being collected by little kids, the sky always went fiery red in the sunset and it wasn't too cold or too hot. It was the perfect season.

Gerard grabbed me again and hauled me out of the car roughly, handling me like a naughty dog again. He pushed me forwards and we went to the guy at the little office.

"Room for the night?" The guy asked.

"Three nights?" Gee asked.

The guy raised his eyebrows. "You got sixty bucks on you?" Gee nodded and handed him the money. The guy smiled and handed us a set of keys. "Enjoy your stay," he smiled. Gerard (?) nodded at him and shoved me towards room number four. The guy acted as if he didn't notice how roughly Gee was handling me. He pushed me into the dark room, shut the door and switched on the light. I looked around curiously. The room was tiny. It had a small TV, a battered sofa, in front of the sofa was a small coffee table, a scabby looking bathroom in one corner, a crappy kitchen in another and one double bed against the left wall. One bed. Where the fuck would I be sleeping then? On the floor, most likely.

Gee pushed me onto the sofa and dumped a rucksack on the table and opened it. He fished around inside it then pulled out a set of handcuffs. I tried to dodge out of his way when he came towards me with them but he was too fast. He grabbed my wrist and clicked one half around that wrist, and he dragged me over to the bed and clicked the other half around the post at the foot of the bed. I pulled my arm against it, but it was useless. Gee smirked. "Be a good dog," he said, kicking me in the shin. I doubled over in pain and he flopped onto the sofa, picking up the remote for the TV and turning it on. "Anything you wanna watch?" he asked casually, as if we were two best friends hanging out. I glared at him and he laughed cruelly at me again. "I'll take that as a no," he flicked to the music channels, and settled on Misfits VS Black Flag. I glanced at him again curiously. He liked the same music as me?

Gee saw me looking at him. "What is it?" he demanded. I shrugged. "You like The misfits and black Flag?" He nodded "So what?" I looked away. "Me too," I mumbled, staring at the floor and trying to get comfy, which isn't easy when you're sitting on a cold floor handcuffed to a bed.


I sighed and tried to get up, but was pulled back by something cold and metal around my wrist. I looked up and saw my right wrist handcuffed to the bed. I frowned as I remembered Gee handcuffing me here. I must have fallen asleep at some point. I looked at the TV. It was switched off. There was a faint scratching noise from behind me. I glanced around to see Gee hunched over, pencil in hand, scribbling something.

"What you doing?" I asked. He looked over at me for a moment, his expression cold. Then his face softened the tiniest bit.

"Drawing," he answered simply. I tried to crane my neck to see what he was drawing but try as I might, I couldn't quite reach. Gee saw me looking and smirked. "You can see when it's finished," he said to me.
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