Status: New story

How wrong we were to think

Wouldnt hurt you again?

Mikey's POV

I gently tapped on Gerard and Frank's bedroom door. There was no reply.
"Gee? Frankie?" I called, pushing the door open cautiously. I peered in. It was pitch black. Sighing, I flicked on the lamp on Gerard's chest of drawers, not wanting to wake them with the harsh bedroom light if they were still asleep. I looked over at them, and couldn't help but smile. I still found the whole Gay thing weird, even though Gee had been gay since he was thirteen, and had brought home loads of boyfriends... but Frank and Gerard were admittedly really cute together. Frank was curled up in front of Gerard, who had his arm around Frank's waist, and his cheek was against Frank's neck. I squinted. Frank's neck actually looked quite red where Gerard's face was... I tiptoed over and peered at him, and frowned. It looked like... teeth marks? I stepped back and looked around the room, laughing quietly to myself at the clothes scattered everywhere. In fact, Gerard's room was messier than usual, which was almost impossible. Ornaments and things were scattered everywhere, leading me to believe that Gerard and Frank had had a busy night... I smirked. For some reason, the thought of them having sex was disturbing but kinda funny at the same time.
I turned to leave, when I remembered the reason I was there. I gently tapped Frank on the shoulder. He blinked, opening his eyes up slowly.
He saw me and smiled. "Morning Mikes," he yawned.
"Morning, dude. Uhm, I came to wake you guys up. Breakfast is earlier this morning cause Mom and Dad are going out for the day,"
"Oh, okay," Frank glanced around at Gerard, and smiled slightly at him. "Fuck he's gorgeous," Frank mumbled.
I laughed quietly. "Nice to know,"
"I know your his brother, dude, and you're straight, but even you gotta admit that Gerard looks like a fucking god,"
I rolled my eyes. "I'm not gonna go as far as that hes a god, Frank," Frank laughed at me, "But meh. I'll admit, he's not ugly anyway,"
Frank stuck his tongue out at me. "You've not seen as much of him as I have," he winked.
"Too much information," I shook my head, backing off. "Anyway, Breakfast in ten, wake your God up,"
I closed the door over and headed back up the stairs. My Mom and Dad were in the kitchen.
"Did you wake them?" My Mom asked.
"Yeah, Gee's still asleep but Frank's gonna wake him up in a minute," I replied, sitting down beside my Dad. He looked up from the paper.
"Are they sleeping together?" he asked. I rolled my eyes.
"What do you think?"
He pulled a face. "Each to their own," he muttered, shaking his head.
My Mom put down a plate of bacon and eggs in front of my Dad. "Well I think it's cute," she commented. My Dad said nothing, he just put the paper down and tucked into his breakfast, and complimented my Mom on the cooking.
Gerard and Frank arrived a few minutes later, hand in hand and looking wrecked, as if they'd stayed up really late last night. My Mom noticed. "You two look shattered!" They just shrugged and sat down. "Late night," Gerard yawned. My Dad cast a suspicious look at them.
"What?" Gerard asked.
"Nothing, just... nothing," He took a sip of his coffee.
Frank glanced at Gerard for a moment, but he just shook his head.
"What are your plans for today then, guys?" My Mom asked, handing everyone out their plates and sitting down herself.
"Alicia's coming over later," I said. My Mom smiled. "Oh, she can meet Gerard then,"
"What are your plans for today?" My Dad asked Frank and Gee.
"Nothing much, Probably just stay around the house," Frank replied.
My Dad sighed. "You should go out and do something. Go to the movies or whatever," he suggested.
"I'm still not sure about... you know... going places. Everyone knows what I look like, Dad," Gerard mumbled.
My Dad went from trying to be nice to grumpy again. "I wonder whose fault that is then? Surely not the murderer/rapist thats sitting across from me..." he grumbled. Everyone went quiet and just stared at my Dad in shock. Nobody had properly talked to Gerard about this before, and then he goes and says it so... bluntly. Gerard looked hurt. He stood up.
"Excuse me..." he mumbled, before running out of the room. Frank got up. "GEE!" He called, turning to follow him. But I caught his wrist.
"Leave him for a bit, Frankie," I said quietly. Frank nodded slowly and sat down, a worried look on his face.
My Mom glared at my Dad. "What was that for?" she demanded. "Your first weekend back at home in years, and you insult him like that!"
"What? He's the one that fucking raped and murdered three innocent kids, Donna!" He raised hos voice, "If it wasn't for him, Andrew, Jack and Raymond would be alive and happy right now, and their families wouldn't be-"
"Okay. So he messed up," I interrupted angrily "Dad, we all fucking mess up sometimes! Gee just-"
"Messed up?" My Dad laughed coldly "You call rape and murder messing up?"
I sighed.
"How long would it be before he 'messes up' again? Who's gonna get hurt? What if Frank gets hurt?"
Everyone looked at Frank who was sitting hunched up, looking smaller and more fragile than ever. A few tears rolled onto his cheeks. He didn't bother to wipe them away.
"Thats enough," my Mom said. "Come on, we'd better get ready to leave," She stood up and so did my Dad, who cast a look at Frank. I glared at him as he passed me.
"We'll be back around eight, sweetie," my Mom said to me. Then she lowered her voise so Frank or my Dad wouldn't hear "Look after them," she added, giving me a quick hug. "Bye, Frank," Frank nodded at her. She grabbed her coat and her and Dad left the kitchen. I heard her calling goodbye to Gerard. He didn't reply. Once they had left, I looked across at Frank. He sniffed and wiped away a tear.
"Dude... you alright?"
He attempted to smile. "What do you think?"
"Your Dad just called Gee a rapist and a murderer... I guess thats true... but... I don't want it to be true," he mumbled, "What if your Dad's right? What if-"
"I wouldn't do anything to hurt you," Gerard interrupted. We looked round to see him standing at the door, his eyes watery. He walked over to Frank, knelt down so that he was eye level with him, and kissed the side of his neck that was still a bit red. "You're everything to me," Frank sniffed.
"What, so what you did to my neck doesn't count?" Frank joked. Gerard frowned. But Frank twisted round and kissed Gee on the lips. I looked away awkwardly to give them a bit more privacy. When they were done, I turned to face them again.
"What time's Alicia coming over at?" Gerard wondered.
I glanced at the clock. "Ten,"
"Thats early," Frank commented. I shrugged.
"Want us out the way or...?"
I shook my head. "Nah, it's cool," I said, "She won't mind, you can kiss or whatever when she's here,"
Gerard nodded. "Okay," I could tell he was still upset over what Dad said.
"Gee, she's not gonna judge you. Like, on anything," I told him. He didn't reply. Frank glanced worriedly at him.
Gerard glanced at him for a moment. "I'm going downstairs," he said quietly, getting up and leaving without another word. Frank sighed.
"You don't think he'd hurt me again, do you?" Frank asked me.
That word he used. Again. It worried me. I knew Gee beat Frank up a bit at the start but... I shook my head slowly at Frank. He smiled faintly at me.
"I'm gonna go see him," he announced, standing up.
"Be careful," I warned. He nodded, and left.

Gerard, you wouldn'y hurt him again, would you? I hoped not.