Status: New story

How wrong we were to think

What the

Frank's POV

I woke up to something warm beside me. I looked around, my ribs still hurting, and jumped when I saw Gerard looking at me, his eyes wide and curious. He saw me jump, and placed his hand gently, cautiously, on my cheek, stroking me with his thumb.
"Shh baby," he cooed "It's okay, don't panic," But I could feel myself starting to shake again, and I couldn't calm myself down. Every instinct in my body was telling me that I shouldn't trust this guy anymore, that I should run for the fucking hills while I still had the chance. But I was captivated. His eyes were just so... beautiful. How could someone who was so fucked up in the head be so... breathtaking? He was like a fucking fallen angel. He put his arm around my waist, pulling me into him. Usually I wouldn't have thought much of it but at that point, It was as if he was stopping me from escaping. He kissed my forehead gently, and them rubbed our noses. His familiar smell calmed me down a little, and I relaxed a bit more into his hold.
"I'm sorry," He said, "I fucking am, Frankie. Can you forgive me?"
I looked up at him, into his eyes. He looked genuinely sorry about everything. I nodded once, and he broke into a smile. He leaned down to kiss me gently, nothing much, just a small peck on the lips, which surprised me. Usually with Gerard it was all 'SEX SEX SEX. TONGUES TONGUES TONGUES!' but now he was being... kinda sweet. Romantic, almost. I liked it. I kissed him back gently, and leaned my head on his chest. We lay there like that for a while, and Gerard moved slightly, his hand moving from my waist to my upper back. He turned to face me, our noses touching. "This is nice," he said.
"Yeah... I like it," I agreed, pressing my lips to his neck gently.
"What do you want to do later?" he asked. Did I imagine the dark tone in his voice? I glanced at the clock. It was just after dinner time. I shrugged.
"I dunno..." I paused, "You?"
He smiled slightly and kissed the side of my neck slowly. "I have a few ideas," he said darkly. I tensed up.
"What do those ideas involve?"
Gerard gently sucked on my skin, his tongue flicking back and forwards. "You'll have to wait and see, babe,"
I shook my head. "I don't want sex, Gee," I said quietly, but he heard. He drew back quickly from my neck. His eyes were empty now.
"Okay." he said blankly.
"Sorry, Gee, I just-"
"No, really it's fine," he interrupted.
I sighed. "If you want to fuck me then you can just-"
"Frank. If you don't want me to fuck you then I won't. I'm not raping you,"
I nodded slowly and snuggled back into him. I realised I still had no shirt or pants on. Gerard was looking at my chest absent mindedly, probably at my tattoos more than anything. I caught his chin in my hand and moved his face up so he was looking at me. His eyes were curious. "I didn't say I didn't want you kissing me, I just said no sex," I smirked. Gerard's eyes widened for a second, and then he smirked as well. "Okay then," He said, sliding a hand down my chest and moving it around to my back.
He rolled me over and touched our lips, moaning a little as his hands slid sown my sides. I kissed him back, pushing my tingue against his lips. He chuckled, and let my tongue in, his tongue dancing with mine. He brought his hands to my face monantarily, before letting them wander back down my torso towards my boxers. I quickly grabbed his wrists and shook my head. He sighed.
"Sorry, Frankie," he kissed my nose and moved his hands away. He let his tongue slide down over my lips, past my chin, down my neck... Oh holy mother of God. He planted wet kisses on my chest, and licked round my nipples. I let out a small squeal, and tangled my hands up in his hair. It had grown a bit since he was let out of prison, so he was starting to look like the old Gerard again. The one that I somehow fell in love with in the first place. He laughed quietly, kissing down towards my navel. Lower...
"Gerard! Too low!" I cried. He oulled back abruptly and apologised. "Sorry, Frankie... Sorry," he whispered. He kissed me on the lips again.
"It's okay," I laughed shakily, "Just... seriously. If you try anything I'll slap you,"
He giggled, a sound I didn't remember hearing before, and it was... beautiful. "You wouldn't, baby you're too nice," he purred, kissing my chest again. I rolled my eyes, and pulled his face up to mine, kissing him gently. "Uh huh, sure I am,"
"You're a fucking little angel," he giggled again.
"Am I?" I wondered, sliding my tongue along his chin. "You're fucking God then,"
He grinned mischeviously. "I like the thought of that," He supported himself above me with his arms. "So if I'm God..." he said, tracing a finger around my navel, "Then I can make you do what I want you to. I'm in charge then, aren't I?" My stomach twisted. Fuck. Had I just set myself up?
"I g-guess..."
"Don't sound so nervous," he said "I'm not gonna fuck you," He kissed my cheek and put his mouth to my ear. "Yet," he whispered.
I shuddered and he laughed. "Joke, joke. You want me to fuck you and I will. Just say when,"
I nodded, and grabbed him by the back of his head, pulling his face towards mine, crushing our lips together. He moaned. "Don't take adventage of God," he mumbled into the kiss.
"Mmphh, not my fault that God is so damn sexy," I replied. He chuckled. "You're the sexy one, I'm fucking ordinary looking,"
Was he fucking serious? I pulled back for a moment. "Gerard, you're fucking sexy and fucking perfect, you can't deny that,"
He opened his mouth to speak but I kissed him again and rolled over so that I was on top. "Take your shirt off," I whispered. He did so. "Pants," I said. He nodded, and then threw them somewhere on the floor. I sat up, pulling him with me. "You want me?"
He nodded, eyes wide.
I smirked. "Then you'll have to fucking catch me," I hopped to my feet and skipped across the room. Gerard rolled his eyes and hopped over, grabbing me by the wrists. He leaned in to kiss me, but I grabbed his ass with my hand and he let go for a millesecond, long enough for me to scoot away. I grinned. "Come on, God, can't you catch an angel?"
"When I catch you, you little sexy motherfucker," he smirked, coming towards me, "I am going to- hey!" He exclaimed as I threw a pillow at him. Giggling, I skipped away again. He spun around and pounced at me, pushing me against the wall. I had no means of escape. He smirked. "God's got you now, baby," He bucked his hips into mine, and I grunted.
"Come here, you," he whispered, kissing me, almost desperately. I pushed him back, and he stumbled and fell onto the floor, pulling me down with him. I straddled him, and leaned down for a kiss, but he grinned evilly and flipped me over, so he was on top. He leaved down to kiss me again.
We looked up to see Gerard's dad standing at the door. Shit.