Status: New story

How wrong we were to think

here we go..

Frank's POV

I picked up my cell and stared at it like that would magically make it do something. I was waiting for Bert to text me. Like he said he would the week before. I sat with it in my hands for about half an hour, before it buzzed, making me have a mini-heart attack and nearly drop it in my cup of coffee. I caught it, and answered.
"I hate you,"
"Wh-what? Who the fuck..? Dan?"
"You stood me up you bastard,"
I paused. "What? How? When...?"
"You fucking text me four days ago and said youd meet me at my house. Frank, you don't know how much that hurt when you didn't show up."
"I text you? Dan, I never got a text from you in the first place!"
"What is it?"
Dan hesitated. "Where is he?"
"Your fucking psychopath boyfriend."
I looked over to the other sofa where Gerard was fast asleep. He looked like a baby. He was fucking adorable when he was asleep, and he looked so much more peaceful than when he was awake.
"He's asleep." I cast a glance at him to make sure he actually was asleep. Gerard was a good actor.
Dan hesitated. "Frank, you gotta leave him. Seriously,"
"What? No fucking way!"
Dan sounded angry. "Frank. He's a fucking murderer. What if he hurts you? I can't just stand by and-"
"Don't act like you give a fuck. You just want me to yourself and you'll say whatever shit you can to get me on your side,"
"Fuck, Frank! I still fucking love you!" He exclaimed, "I don't want you to get hurt,"
"Yeah well, Gerard's not gonna hurt me. Goodbye, Dan," I hung up and chucked my phone away. Gerard's eyes were open when I looked at him. Had he heard what I was saying to Dan? He blinked and looked at me. He smiled and I smiled back. "Who was on the phone?" He asked, yawning and sitting up. I cleared my throat. Should I tell him Dan/Bert called? I decided against it. "Umm... nobody. Just, like... an old school friend,"
"You were shouting,"
"Um. We fell out,"
"Huh." Gerard stretched. He looked at me suspiciously. "It was Bert, wasn't it?"
"Frank, if he's still hassling you-" I cut Gerard off by hopping onto his lap and pressing my lips to his firmly. "Gerard, leave it," I said once I had pulled away from him, "He's just being a dick. I can deal with it. Just... don't do anything... stupid," Gee frowned, obviously not happy with what I'd just said. "Stupid." He repeated, "You think that..." he hesitated, and sawllowed loudly, "You think that I'm stupid?" I shook my head quickly, realising that I'd been stupid to say that. "Gee, no, no! I mean-"
"Frank. Don't. I know I'm f-fucked up." He looked at me, "I don't need you to point it out," He added quietly.
"Gee, baby, I-"
He interrupted me again. "No," He moved me off his lap and left the room. I sighed and flopped back on the sofa. What a fucking bad day.
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i have readers and subscribers but no feedback ...........please guys...