Status: New story

How wrong we were to think

Dreams and Nightmares

Gerard's POV

"Fucking cunt!" I laughed cruelly, stabbing into the flesh of his back and dragging the knife downwards. I watched the blood seeping out and smiled to myself, running my tongue along it before stabbing again. I heard a slight cry of surprise, and froze. There was somebody behind me. I turned, and gasped. Frankie. He looked hurt, and disgusted. I looked back at the body that lay beneath me. Blood was everywhere. All over the room, all over me... No wonder Frank was disgusted. I was disgusted at myself. How could I have done this to somebody? I turned back to Frank, and reached out towards him, but he stepped away from me, looking scared.
"Frankie, baby,"
"I don't know you..." he was saying, "I d-don't kno-ow you..." he shook his head in disbeleif.
I got up and went over to him, but he turned to run. I caught his arm and forced him against the wall. He looked terrified, and I didn't know what else to do. I pressed my lips firmly against his, kissing him hard but lovingly at the same time. He wouldn't kiss back properly, and my tongue forced its way into his mouth. He whimpered, sounding freaked out and scared to death. I pulled back. "Wh-w-why did y-you kiss m-me?" he stammered. "Because you're gorgeous," I replied smoothly, bringing the knife up and slitting his throat so fast that he wouldn't even have known what had happened. I caught him as his body went lipm in my arms, and I kissed his cheek.
"Come on then, sexy," I whispered, dragging him over to the middle of the floor and proceeding to undress us both. I rolled him onto his stomach, to make this easier. I slashed his back a few times, drawing deep red blood. I covered my hands with it and smeared it across his skin and mine. I gripped his hips and thrust forwards, slightly disappointed in the lack of noise. I liked it when he'd grunt, or moan, or whimper. As I sped up, though, it was me who began making the noises. "Fuck, Frank...unh...Fuck...fuck... FUCK!"

I sat up quickly, my heart racing and my breathing way too fast. Frank was sitting beside me, looking worried. He was alive then... He was... So I hadn't fucked his dead body. Well, that was a plus. He crawled over to me, and pulled me into his arms. "You okay, Gee?" he whispered. I nodded once. "Wanna tell me?"
"Wh- huh?"
"You had a bad dream,"
"How did you-"
"You were screaming,"
I sighed and glanced at the clock. Only an hour had passed since I'd last seen Frank. I looked up at him and he kissed my nose. "I'm sorry, Gee. You're not stupid at all. Honestly, What I meant was, don't do anything that'll get you into more trouble," He stroked my cheek gently. "It was hell for me when you were in prison, honestly. I don't think I could go through that again,"
I sat up and pulled him onto my lap. "Frankie, baby, I'm so fucking sorry for dragging you into all this shit," I sighed, "If it wasn't for me, you'd be happy right now, with somebody who had nothing to
do with me, and you'd never have spent two weeks gettign dragged all over the place and fucked in shitty motels and cars and public bathrooms and you wouldn't have lost me for a year and-"
"Shut up." Frank said, kissing me firmly, "I love you and theres nothing else to it,"
♠ ♠ ♠
okay i noticed i double posted alot of theese chapters when i went back through it... sorry :/