Status: New story

How wrong we were to think

chapter 4

Day 1
Brian's POV

I reached for the phone once they had left and dialled 911/ My hands were shaking and my palms were sweaty, so using the phone was much easier said than done. I got straight through.

"Hello, 911 emergency can I help you?" said the lady on the other end.

"Hey, umm… could I get through to New jersey Police Department?" I said shakily.

"Yeah, sure thing," I got through straight away.

"Hello this is D.C.I Toro how can I help-"

"It's an emergency! Some psychopath with a gun just came into my office here, demanded one million dollars and he just kidnapped my best friend and employee at gunpoint and they drove off somewhere and I have no fucking idea what's going on and I'm scared fucking sick for my friend," I blurted.

There was a pause. "Some psychopath with a gun just came into your office and kidnapped your friend, demanding a million dollars?" he repeated slowly.


"Okay. Can I have your name please?"

"Brian Schechter" I replied, trying to control my voice.

"Ok-a-ay," he said, as if he was writing this down "Where are you just now?"

"In my music shop. Uh, Guitar Heaven, you know the one?"

I heard the slight smile in his voice. "Yes, I do. Got myself a guitar out of there last month in fact…" he paused "Okay, Brian, I'll be over in fifteen minutes with some officers and we can try and figure this out,"
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