Status: New story

How wrong we were to think

Love Love Love

Frank's POV

Me and Gerard just sat there for a while. Me in his arms, leaning against his chest. I could feel his heart beating steadily. Proof that he, the crazy psycho guy, actually had a heart. Noo, thats cruel, I knew he had feelings for me but... to be honest most of the time he treated me more like a sex toy than a person. He had his cute, romantic moments and his joke'around-with-me moments, but most of the time he just seemed to want to fuck me. Not that I minded the sex, I just wanted it to actually mean something. When he moaned my name, I wanted there to be emotion behind the moan, not just pleasure but actual real, honest to god, fucking love. I loved him more than anything. I would give up everything just to be with him. He was honestly the most gorgeous man on the planet, he looked like an actual God and I found it difficult not to get hard when I looked at him, but... Nothing was going to work for us until he told me he loved me.
Gerard shifted underneath me and I thought he was about to move me from his chest, but he wrapped his arms tighter around me and began to snore softly. I smiled slightly, and looked around at him. His face was perfect, and so pale like it had been carved from marble. He had high cheekbones and a perfectly shaped face. His eyes, that were closed at that point, were the most beautiful hazel shade ever, and when he looked into your eyes it felt as if he was looking right into your soul. His just-below-the-ear raen black hair framed his face perfectly, like a dark halo.
My eyes moved from his face down past his neck. He had no shirt on. My eyes took in the sight of his perfect body. I had seen it so many times but it never ceased to amaze me. Even with the scars, he was still beautiful. I neer really thought I was that good looking, I mean, I never thought I was that ugly either, but sitting next to him made me feel like the ugliest thing on earth. How could something as beautiful as him ever love me? The onlt thing that made me look slightly interesting were the tattoos that covered most of my body.
I gently moved Gerard's arm from my waist, and got up. Gerard still slept. I tiptoed out of the room and shut the door. Alicia and Mikey were watching a movie. They glanced around when I came through, and smiled. "Gee asleep?" I nodded at him and sat down on the other sofa. They were watching an old zombie movie.
"Want popcorn, Frank?" Mikey asked. I shrugged and took a handful, munching quietly as I watched the screen. I wasn't really paying much attention. My mind was elsewhere... and by elsewhere, I mean Gerard. I was worried about him. I wondered what his dream had been about... Did I want to know? I really worried then. Had it been about me? What if Dan and Gerard's Dad were right? What if Gerard did end up hurting me? Fuck.
I could see Mikey and Alicia staring at me from the corner of my eye.
"What?" I asked, sounding harsher than I meant to.
Mikey looked slightly hurt. "Nothing... you okay?"
"Yeah. Fine...why?"
Alicia shrugged. "You look kinda stressed," she paused, as if musing over the next thing she said, "Is everything okay with you and Gee?"
I saw Mikey look at me expectantly.
"Yeah, everything's fine." I hesitated, and glanced at the bedroom door. Should I spill my guts about all my worries to Mikey and Alicia? I nibbled a lip ring. "I'm just worried that... Like..." I sighed. "I dont think I'm good enough for him, I-"
"Frank. He's a fucking murderer. You're the best thing that happened to him. Do not tell yourself you're not good enough for him. In my oppinion, he's not good enough for you,"
Alicia nodded in agreement with Mikey. "I don't know either of you very well, but, I know Mikey's right, Frank." She smiled comfortingly. I made a quiet noise of acknowledgement and turned back to the TV, trying to ignore the fact that they were both still looking at me. I kind of understood them. I mean, anybody's better than a murderer/rapist, but, I couldn't come to terms with the fact that, that is what Gee is. He's a criminal. He's a psychopath. But... he's gorgeous and perfect, too. And thats why I fell in love with him in the first place.
I heard the bedroom door open after a while, and Gerard shuffled over. He had a shirt on now. Alicia and Mikey watched him as he sat down. I looked th him from the corner of my eye. He looked awkward with everyone staring at him.
"What did I do?" He asked quietly.
Mikey shook his head. "Nothing,"
"Oh, good." Gerard replied, his voice a lot quieter than usual. He sat down on the same sofa as me, but not right beside me. I frowned and slid over beside him, resting my cheek on his shoulder. He stayed still. I sighed. Gerard's arm twitched slightly, and then he awkwardly put it around my shoulders. I kept my eyes straight ahead but I knew Mikey and Alicia were watching us again. I felt a couple of tears forming in my eyes, but I blinked them away. What was up with Gerard now? I moved a little, and Gee looked down at me. I took the oppertunity to touch our lips together. He took a moment to respond, before his lips moved with mine. But it felt emotionless. As if he didn't want to kiss me but he felt he needed to. I moved my hand to his face, but Gerard caught my wrist and moved it down, sucking on my lip gently before pulling back and turning away from me.
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