Status: New story

How wrong we were to think

Another day another death.

Gerard's POV

I smiled down at him, and he returned it, eyes twinkling. I let my hand trail down his bare chest, and stop at the zip on his jeans.
"Go for it," he answered my un-voiced question.
"You not concerned about Frank?" I asked curiously.
He shook his head. "Well, I am a little. We'll both hurt him if he finds out about this... but he wont," he paused, "Gerard, I still love you,"
I nodded and pressed my lips firmly onto his, confused, because I remembered kissing him being so much more than just...slimy. Four years ago, when we'd kiss, it had felt amazing, just... perfect, I didn't think anything could ever top kissing him. Until I'd met, Frankie, of course. Frank was amazing. He was just so perfect, it was as if he didn't belong on this planet. He was like a motherfucking angel, for Gods sake! I pushed Frank out of my mind and focused. I was doing this for him, all for Frankie. Once Bert was out of the way everything would be perfect.
I reached down and unzipped his jeans, and he helped me as I tugged them down to his ankles. He fumbled to undo my jeans. I kicked them onto the floor and kissed him again. I ignored the fact that kissing him wasn't what I remembered, but I needed to do this. I needed it for Frankie and I to be together, properly, at last.
I wasted no time pulling his boxers off and them my own. The faster this was done, the better. I shifted int position, readying myself, when he stopped me.
I frowned. "Yeah?" I replied, trying to sound sexy instead of annoyed.
"I want this to be special," he murmured, "I don't want you fucking me quickly and then taking off,"
I swore under my breath. "What do you want?" I asked. He looked slightly hurt by my tone, but he cupped a hand round my chin and pulled my face to his, kissing me with everything he had. I was surprised. Other than the fact he had slimy lips, he was quite a good kisser, still not as good as I remembered but... pretty close. He ran his hand down my back, his touch light and it almost felt nice. I faked a moan of pleasure and felt him smile into the kiss. He moved his lips from mind and kissed down my neck, his hands caressing my sides. I felt my self grow more impatient. Why wouldn't he just ket me fuck him already? I shifted myself, and he stiffened.
"Shh, baby, it's okay," I cooed in the voice I used to comfort Frank. It obviously worked, because he looked so mych more relaxed. He nodded. "Okay... I think...I think I'm ready,"
I smiled faintly at him, then thrust forwards. His hands tightened around my waist, but I paid no attention, I built up a steady rhythm. He whimpered quietly, seeming to enjoy it at first, but then I lost control. I got faster and faster, harder and harder.
He started shaking his head, tears rolling down his cheeks. "Gerard, please... stop... please..."
I ignored him.
"GEE PLEASE," he begged, raising his voice. I avoided eye contact with him as I reached under the pillow and pulled out a knife. I saw his eyes widen in fright. "G-Gerard..." he stammered. I pulled out of him abruptly and grabbed his wrist when he tried to get up. I pushed him down and brought the knife to his stomach, slicing across and spilling his guts. He screamed, and I pressed my lips to his, cutting him off. He struggled against me, and I glanced down at my hand, and sliced down his leg. More tears dribbled down his cheeks, and his lips quivered.
"Shh, babe..." I said huskily, "It'll be over soon... I promise," I pulled back and brought the knife across his chest, and I licked along the blood slowly, and he cried out in pain. I covered his mouth with my hand and drew the blade across his neck. "Goodbye, baby," I whispered. He choked out one last plea for help, before blood trickled out of his mouth and he went still. But I didn't stop there. This was my final murder, it had to be a masterpiece. I stabbed his stomach more, watching the crimson blood pour out and stain the grotty white motel bedsheets. I carved a loveheart on his cheek, with 'F&G' inside it.
"Frank and Gerard," I whispered, kissing the bloody heart. I looked down at him. "Burn in hell," I licked the blood off the knive and then stabbed it into his stomach, and left it there. I got dressed quickly, not bothering to shower and remove the blood, I took one last look at Bert's mangled corpse lying naked on the bloodstained sheets. "I loved you. But Now Frankie's all mine, and theres nothing that can get between us,"
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