Status: New story

How wrong we were to think


Day 5

Frank's POV


So we had Pizza for dinner two nights in a row, and I remember it being really good pizza, too.

Gerard un-cuffed me to let me eat. I felt myself blushing every time he looked at me now. It was starting to get to the point where I kind of liked him. I liked him touching me, which is why I had no problem with him hitting me.

I asked him again why he had kidnapped me that night, and he hit me again angrily. "Stop fucking repeating yourself, it's getting in my nerves," he told me angrily. But then he sighed and looked at me carefully. "You have a pretty face," he said quietly.


Gerard closed his eyes over. "Yes," he whispered. I tried to sit up but I was restricted in movement with the handcuffs. "Really?" he never answered. He just stared at the wall.

"Did you…" I paused, "Gerard, did you plan to… fuck… me?" Gerard threw a pillow at me

when he stood up, and he walked over, kneeling down beside me and hitting me, adding to the bruises. "What gave you that idea?" he hissed. I shrugged and he pushed me backwards, and I reached around with my free hand and pushed his head towards me, touching our lips for a millisecond, but he pulled away.

"Frank… we shouldn't…" he stammered.

"Please. You can beat me up all you like just… kiss me once, Gerard. I don't know what it feels like to be kissed…" he sighed and leaned forward, our lips connecting gently. He seemed reluctant at first, but when he got into it, he seemed more willing. This guy knew exactly what he was doing and he did not hold back. His tongue pushed its way impatiently into my mouth and felt around mine. I moaned and tugged on the handcuffs, wanting to hold him properly.

He pulled back after a minute, and un-cuffed me, picking me up and throwing me onto the bed. He found another pair of cuffs and laid them down on the bed, then he straddled me, holding my arms above my head.

"You're right," he murmured "I did plan to fuck you," He touched his lips to mine again, then proceeded to remove both of our clothes. Once we were in nothing but our boxers, he looked me up and down, and grabbed one pair of cuffs, and cuffed one of my hands to the top bed post. I pulled my arm against it. He smirked. "No escaping now, Frankie," he whispered, making the hairs on the back of my neck stand up.

He cuffed my other arm to the opposite bed post, so that my arms were spread like wings. And also so that my movement was restricted. He let his tongue trace my lips, teasing me, and them he moved to pull his boxers off. I couldn't help but stare at him. He ignored my staring eyes and yanked my boxers off, and I felt really uncomfortable sitting there naked for a moment, until he straddled me again and kissed me quickly. He took two fingers and nodded at me. "Here," he pushed his fingers into my mouth "Get them covered with saliva, will you?" I wondered what he was planning to do but obeyed anyway. He pulled them out after a minute

and grinned mischievously. I squeaked as I felt his fingers push into me and wiggle around for a few moments. Then he pulled them out and wiped them on the bedcovers. Gerard placed his hands on my hips and entered me, a little too fast for my liking. He looked up at me straining against the cuffs. "You okay?" I nodded quickly. He looked away and moved himself backwards and forwards rhythmically. He kept going until I felt my stomach drop suddenly. He squeaked, and I guessed he was getting the same feeling. He blew his load just as he pulled out, and he finished there, leaving me still needing to come. I whimpered and he smirked.

"No," he said, guessing what I wanted. He crawled over and un-cuffed me. I sat forward, rubbing my sore wrists. Gerard looked at me, and I leaned forward, touching our lips again. I still had a fucking borderline-painful boner, but this could maybe take my mind off it. That's what I hoped anyway. Gerard pulled back.

"Don't," he said quietly, gently brushing his thumb across my cheek. "I don't want us to get too close…" he paused for a second, studying my face. Then he harshly slapped me.

"Fuck!" I exclaimed "What was that for?"

"To remind you that I'm still in charge here. Just because I fucked you doesn't mean that we're friends or in any sort of relationship. Okay, Frankie?" he glared at me and I nodded meekly.

"Okay," I replied. Gerard grabbed his clothes. "Get dressed," he said, disappearing off to the bathroom. I sighed and gathered up my clothes, eyeing the door as I dressed myself. I wondered if he had locked it. I spotted the gun lying beside his bag on the table. Once I was dressed, I quietly took the gun and headed for the door, holding my breath as I tried the lock. To my relief it was open. I quietly pulled the door open and went to step out into the corridor, when I felt my arm being twisted up painfully behind my back. I was pulled backwards and kicked to my knees.

"Where are you off to so soon, Frankie-boy?" Gerard hissed into my ear. I struggled against

him and tried to point the gun towards him, but he was too strong. He squeezed my arm until I let go of the gun and he snatched it up before it hit the ground. He pushed it up against my neck. "Do not try and run off again," he said to me "Frank, I don't want to have to shoot you. Make it easier for me and obey me." He pulled me back and kicked the door shut, double-locking it with one hand and using the other to drag me to the bed. He cuffed me to the bedpost again and used the handle of the gun to his me across the face.

He looked at my bruised face for a second, as if he felt sorry for me, then he kissed the end of my nose. "If it makes you feel any better, you're a fucking sexy little bastard, Frank. I'll give you that," I kicked out at him but he moved backwards out of my reach and laughed at me. "Fuck off Gerard and let me go!" I yelled at him. He clamped a hand over my mouth.

"Shhh, You don't want anybody to hear you," he hissed.

He removed his hand. "I do want somebody to hear me so that you can get arrested and I can go home," I said.

Gerard raised an eyebrow. "Who would fuck you if I was in jail though?" he asked, letting a hand stray down to my crotch. My hips bucked forwards. Gerard smirked at me. "That answers everything," he commented, standing up again and walking over to the window.

I was about to speak when suddenly a Misfits song blasted out from somewhere. Gerard fumbled in his pocket and pulled out a cell phone.

"Hello?" he said. He listened to whoever was on the other end of the phone for a moment. "Oh, um hi," Gerard didn't sound happy… "What? No, he didn't have it…well I did that…." Gerard glanced at me "No. Trust me, this'll work…It will. Give me two weeks," he listened "Okay. Bye." he snapped his cell phone shut and threw it across the floor. It broke into little pieces each time it hit the ground. Gerard slid sown the wall and sat on the floor, banging his head against the wall behind him.

I shuffled round to face him. "What is it?" I asked tentatively. He shook his head, eyes closed.

"Gerard?" He looked at me and sighed. "My boss is pissed because I haven't got him the money yet. He's also not happy that I kidnapped you and it's gone kind of public, all over the news. Lots of people are worried about you, Frank. Anyway he's given me two weeks to get the money and he said I've to…" Gerard tailed off and looked away from me.

"To what?"

"To…" he hesitated.

"Gerard just tell me," I said,

"He fucking wants me to shoot you in front of Brian," Gerard yelled. I gasped and sat back against the bed. Gerard shook his head and crawled over. He put an arm around me. "I'm sorry, Frank,"

"It's okay. You shoot me if… if you-"

Gerard cut me off, "No. I mean I'm sorry for hurting you," he gently touched the bruises on my face that I could feel but hadn't yet seen. "Look what I did to you," his finger ran up my arm, touching all the bruises that were almost un-noticeable beneath my tattoos. He leaned his forehead against mine, his breath cold on my face. His lips found mine, and I immediately pushed against him, desperate to kiss him properly again. He moved away slightly. I moaned in protest. "I don't want to get close to you," he whispered, his hand caressing my side "I won't be able to do what my boss asks of me when the time comes if I get close to you, Frank,"

My stomach lurched. So he did intend to shoot me. But he didn't really want to. I guess that was a plus. "I want to get close to you, Gerard," I replied quietly. He heard me. "No. You don't. I'm a murderer and a fucking psycho,"

"But…" I tailed off and sighed. He touched our lips again for one precious moment, then got up and looked at the clock. "Hmm…is it too late to go out?"


"Fuck. We can change Motels in the morning,"