When a Good Girl Goes Bad or Was She Bad Already

chapter 2- Leah meets the Weasley family

"Ello." Said a voice
Back to the story
When I turned around I came face to face with a really cute guy tall and skinny with really beautiful green eyes but hidden because of his glasses.on his left were two girls both a little pale one of the girls had red hair the other one had light brown hair,and lastly on his right were three redheaded boys two of the boys you could tell were twins the other boy looked just like the redheaded girl but with boy features.
"Hello my name is leah Lopez, I'm from America.And you are?"
"Well I'm Fred and this is my brother Geo"
"George my name is george,nice to meet you."
"My name is Ron Weasley."
"I'm Ginny Weasley."
"Wait are all of you related?"
"I'm not my name is Hermione Granger I'm just a friend."
"Same here.I'm Harry Potter."
"Well nice to meet you all."
"TIME FOR BED CHILDREN!" Mrs.Weasley said
"Don't worry you will get used to it."Fred said
"Come dear so I can show where you will be staying."
"Yes Mrs.Weasley."
"Listen dear, the girls room is full so I was woundering if it will be ok if you sleep in the boys room?"
"No, it's fine Mrs.Weasley.And thank you for letting me stay until school starts."
"You're welcome dear and were all glad to have you.Goodnight dear."
"Goodnight Mrs.Weasley."
"WAAASSS UP BOYS, how it going."
"Um,Leah the girls room is on the left."Ron said
"I know my little redheaded friendbut your mum said that the girls room was full and that I get to sleep with you fine gentlemen."
"Cute, and thats rubbish my mum won't let a girl sleep here."Ron said
"Oh really, well go ask her."
"Fine, I will." After that Ron was gone.
"So what do you guys do for fun?"
"Well Ron, Harry, and Hermione just talk but if you hang out with us then you will have a blast."Georege said
"Yea we love to pull pranks."Fred said
" Awesome count me in."
"Bloody hell she was right she is staying with us." Ron said
" AWESOME now we get to start planning."Fred said
"Planning what." Ron said
"None of your business."George spatted.
"First I want to know aboutHogwarts. Like who should I avoid?"
"Malfoy!" Harry spatted out.
"Malfoy, whose Malfoy." I said
"What Harry meant to say was Draco Malfoy."Ron said
"Draco whose is that?"
"Just some git from school who thinks he is better then everyone else."Ron said
"Yea, hes slept with every girl in hogwarts."Hermione said out of no where.
"Except me and Hermione."Ginny said
"Wow really why is he such an asshole?"
"Because he is a pureblood and because he works for Voltemort."Harry said with such hate in his voice
"VOLTEMORT, really?"
"Yeah his dad is a death eater."
"Wow,but that is nothing to be proud of."
"I know but he hates me because I didn't want to be friends with him when I first meet him." Harry said
"Wow."Was all could say.
"GO TO SLEEP CHILDREN!!!!"Mrs.Weasley said
"Well goodnight."
"NIGHT." Everyone said.
That night all I though about was who Draco Malfoy was.