When a Good Girl Goes Bad or Was She Bad Already

chapter 4- Meeting Malfoy

"I'm muggle born."

After I said those I knew I’d regret them.

“What! You’re one of them. You’re a filthy mudblood. Now I know why Potter took interest in you, because you’re a filthy American mudblood .” Draco implied.

I felt my eyes start to water because of his comment, but I had to stay strong at least until I was alone.

“Well look who’s talking. I heard about you and your family. You’re just a fucking ferret who thinks he’s better than everyone else just because he’s a pureblood. Well Draco let me tell you something you’re just shit pure bullshit.”

I knew I got to him by his face. His face was full of anger pure anger.

“NO, you listen you little shit, no one talks to me like that. And you you’re nothing. You’re just a little mudblood.”

“Is that all you can say. Mudblood. Wow, I just met you and know that you are a-“I was then cut off by Harry

“Leah stops. Come on lets go before you say something you will regret.”

“You’re right Harry. First, where’s the bathroom? I have to peepee.”

“Haha, it’s out on the every end of the train.” Harry replied

“K, thanks Harry.” Draco was gone when I turned around. Stupid git.

Draco’s Pov

“Hogwarts. What a pathetic excuse for a school.” God how I hated Hogwarts. Just when I was about to turn around I spotted Potter with what seemed like a girl. “Guys, I’ll be right back.”

“Where are you going Drakey?” My pug face of a girlfriend said. Merlin how I hated her. I was only with her because she was easy. I also knew Blaise liked her which I think was a bonus for me.

“God Pansy I’m just going to the loo.”

“Don’t talk to her like that.”Blaise said

“Why do you care Blaise. She’s my girlfriend not yours.”

“Yea, well act like her boyfriend not like she’s your pet.” Blaise argued . I then l took my wand out and pointed it at his neck.

“Don’t you dare talk to me like .Got that?”

“BOYS! Stop it, stop it right now.” Pansy hollered with a smile on her ugly pug face. She’s probably thinking we were fighting for her. Stupid girl. After that little incident I walked out.

“Potter!” As I said that Potter and the girl turned around. As she turned around I was shocked, she was beautiful. Her face, body, and her hair just beautiful. Her black hair flowing as she turned around smelled like vanilla , her eyes pitch black really rare to see in England .Her lips so full and luscious and a glossy shade of pink, her body gorgeous curvy in the right places ,tall but not to tall , and lastly her skin a ravishing tone, tan but to tan like the two giffindork twins but still not to pale like everyone in England. She was perfect. The question was why she was hanging out with Potter. My thoughts were interrupted by Potter.

“What do you want Malfoy?”

I just wish the Dark lord would just let me kill Potter. Yes, I’m a Death Eater.

“Nothing. I see you found yourself a girlfriend. Not bad Potter.” Not bad, not bad she was perfect and I envied him for having her.

“My names Malfoy, Draco Malfoy.”

“Leah, Leah Lopez.” Leah beautiful just like her. I then asked the question I will always regret because that stupid question took her away from me.

“So are you pureblood?”

“No I’m muggle born.” I had to act like I hated her.

“What! You’re a filthy mud blood.” I hated myself for talking to her like that.

“Now I know why Potter took interest in you. Because you’re a filthy American mudblood.” I could see her eyes start to water, which broke my heart. Then she spoke.

“Well look who’s talking. I’ve heard about you and your family. You’re just a fucking ferret who thinks he’s better than everyone else just because he’s pureblood. Well Draco let me tell you something, you’re just full of shit, just bullshit.” It broke my hearing her say these things to me. No Draco you can’t like her, she’s a mudblood. I had to strike back even though it killed me.

“No, you listen you little shit, no one talks to me like that, and you, and you’re nothing. You’re just a little mudblood.” I could see her eyes urn to hate which made me want to take all back and say sorry. But I knew it was too late for sorry.

“Is that all you can say.Mudblood. Wow I just met you and know that you are-“Potter interrupted her which made me want to thank him. I didn’t catch what they were saying, so I just left. The whole ride to Hogwarts was a blur; she was all I was thinking about Leah my sweet Leah.

Leah’s Pov

The rest of the ride to Hogwarts was pretty exciting. I and the Weasley twins pulled a prank on some kid named Cedric Diggory. (He didn’t die in my story.) It was pretty hysterical. But my little chat with Draco was still on my mind.

“Leah, are you ok? You’re looking a little pale.” Asked Ron.

“It’s just we ran into Malfoy an-“Harry tried to explain.

“Wait, you guys ran into Malfoy?” Ron interrupted.

“Yes, as I was saying , Malfoy called Leah a mudblood, then Leah called him a fucking ferret, then it went all downhill.”

“Ok, let’s change the subject. We should probably start getting our stuff we’re about to arrive at Hogwarts.” Hermione said.

“Sure, Hermione. Come on lets go.”