Just a Game

Chapter 10

Chase's POV

It was Monday, any normal Monday and I was walking to second period with Jake. Nasse and a few of the football jerks were waiting at the end of the hallway. "Dude look at Nasse's eye," Jake said laughing. I had hardly noticed, it wasn't a huge black eye.

"Yeah," I said but I was a bit more suspicious, "what do you think they want?"

He just shrugged, "let's find out." We walked towards them our class was in that direction anyways and when we were right by them Jake said, "I love the eye Nasse."

I let out a little laugh, but I didn't think I'd be the one against the locker about to be threatened. "You think that's funny," he said to my face.

"He's the one who said it," I said sellling out Jake and then turned my head back towards Nasse and said, "besides I like the new look, it's very edgy."

"Shut up Cole," he spat, "I'm just warning you, that little bitch of yours is going to pay for this." He pointed to his eye and I was thoroughly confused. The football guys left and I was just sitting there scratching my head.

"What's he talking about," I asked looking at Jake.

"I don't know," Jake shrugged that was bizzar beyond belief. "I still think the black eye is funny," Jake said. I wouldn't think much of it, I'm pretty sure he didn't actually threaten me in any way, in fact I'm not sure who he threatened. Eventually I figured it out, and by eventually I mean lunch. I was following Jake because I was bored even when he decided to talk to his girlfriend. It's alright I could mess with her friend.

"Hey babe," Jake said and Michelle smiled and they kissed of course. Keaton sat down and rolled her eyes.

"Keaton," Michelle said pulling away, "did you see Nick."

She looked up for a second shrugged and said, "yeah." Almost as if she had seen nothing at all.

"Don't you want to know how that happened," Michelle said excited.

"Not really," Keaton said, "it doesn't matter much to me."

"Really cuz he's cming over here," she said and I think everyone turned around to see if she was right. He was angry, but who wouldn't be with a black eye, but it seemed as if it was targetted at Keaton. I looked back at her she had a grin on and she sat back and crossed her arms.

"Do you think this is funny," he said angrily. I kind of think he just likes asking that question.

"Yes," she said, "I do, and I'm pretty sure most of the school is enjoying it as well."

"You are going to pay for this," he said pointing once again to it. It's now that I'm thinking why he associated me with her, we aren't even friends really. In fact she had a strong dislike for me and it was completely understandable. Maybe it was at his party, but what could I do he was being beyond a jerk.

She made a shocked face and put her hand up to it, "oh my is that a threat, I'm really shaking in my boots, I'm so scared." Michelle elbowed her and Nick just looked more angry. "Why don't you just get it over with," she said standing up and Michelle tried to pull her down, "I know you're just itching to show all these people that your black eye doesn't go unpunished and that you are not to be messed with." H elooked like he was actually thinking about it. "But wait," she continued, "if you were to do such a thing, it would look pretty bad on you. ANd if suddenly one day I come to school with the same thing on my eye I think we'll all know who to blame. So Nickolas, I think the smart decision is to forget about it, alright."

He lifted his fist in the air and then slammed it on the table and walked away. Keaton sat down and everyone around was looking at her. "Where did that come from," Michelle said jumping up, "omg you are like my hero and omg you have some explaining to do."

"Okay," she said shrugging, "so when I said he didn't do anything I was exaggerating a bit, but as you can tell I handled it. See I don't know why you always doubt my abilities."

"I know I just praised you, but sometimes you are really stupid," Michelle said.

"Yeah," I said and I don't think that was supposed to be outloud. Everyone kind of turned towards me.

"Why are you even here," Keaton said raising an eyebrow at me.

"Because our best friends are in a long term relationship," I said truthfully. She shrugged and turned back to everyone else.

"I'm not stupid, in what way am I stupid," she said.

"Oh I don't know," Michelle said pretending to think, "oh maybe because you hit a guy who happens to be taller than you and always has his equally tall football friends backing him up."

"So I gave Chase a black eye," she said pointing to me, "he's tall and he has tall baseball friends."

"But I don't have anger management problems," I said looking at her.

"Not helping," she whispered over in my direction.

"Exactly, just admit your stupid," Michelle said crossing her arms.

"Fine, I'm stupid," Keaton said, "next time I'll be smart and let him rape me in the back of his car and then tell the whole school that he scored on me, and then I'll end up pregnant and my whole excuse will be. I didn't want to stand up for myself, I wanted to be smart like Michelle said."

"Not what I meant," Michelle said crossing her arms.

"Whats up with you and pregnancy," Jackie said laughing, "every crisis situation involves a possible pregnancy."

"It's the worst thing I can think of," she said.

That was the extent of that and pretty much the extent of my lunch, and then there was English. Our descriptions were being handed out, but we had a test. I was not looking forward to her reading that, if I knew that was the assignment I would have rather just paired up with Erick.