Just a Game

Chapter 11

I stuffed the description into my locker in hopes that I would just completely forget about it. Maybe someday I'd find it and read it, but I didn't want anything to ruin my mood. Not only did I feel good about my test, but I also told off Nick and I had a field trip tomorrow.

Michelle and I had taken an elective PE class, yoga, because we thought it would be more fun than actually having a study hall. It's senior year, who needs a study hall. That was the best decision ever, the class is so chill, once we took a nap the whole entire period. So all classes have the opportunity to go on a field trip, our teacher decided a hike would be fun. Our class is about twenty and only like one guy who I'm sure is gay.

Seriously you should have seen what all these girls were wearing, at least six girls in mini skirts. Really, we're going hiking not clubbing you idiots. My teacher came in with her annoyingly perky voice and said, "okay we're having this field trip with the other PE elective, so get into one of the vans." Each van held about 13 people and Michelle and I hopped into the first one with a whole bunch of girls from our class. Why even take a PE elective if you can't even dress for a hike.

"What other PE elective is there," I asked Michelle.

She shrugged, "not really sure." She looked into er bag and then up at me, "you brought your camera right." I nodded and she continued, "good, I forgot mine and I look good today."

"You look good everyday," I said and then continued a bit louder, "at least you aren't wearing a freakin skirt like everyone else." I said it loud enough for everyone to here, sometimes girls irritate me.

"Some of us wanted to actually impress the guys in the cross training class," Chelsea said glaring at me.

I turned to Michelle excited as if I had figured it out myself, "cross training is the other PE elective." Michelle laughed and shook her head at me, "There's only like ten people in that class right." No wonder we forgot, they're always in the weight room.

"It's actually eight," she said, "most of the guys either do it on their own or just do it with their sports team, but good news is Jake's in the class." I didn't mind Jake, but that usually meant Chase was there. It was odd that two enemies' best friends could be the perfect match for each other.

We arrived before the other van and after everyone was out our teacher stepped out and got our attention. "There are two trails, but you need to wait for the other van, the first trail is for those of you who want to take it easy," she said pointing to a trail that didn't even look like it was meant for hiking. She pointed to a trail on the river and continued, "that trail is for those of you who want more of a challenge. The vans will pick you up at the end of the trails." And with that said she left us there.

"Hey Chels," I said, "you know what would really get Chase's attention." I smiled as her face turned red, she had the biggest most obvious crush on him. Everyone already knew, but she still got irritated whenever I brought it up. "If you finished the difficult trail wearing that skirt."

"As if," she said, "I might get my hair wet."

"And what a pity that would be," I said to myself.

"You are terrible," Michelle said as she elbowed me, "so what trail are we going on?"

I laughed, "are you really asking, that one duh." I pointed to the one that was supposed to be more difficult.

"I thought maybe you'd want to take the other one since Chase might go on that one," she said and I waved it off because I can handle him. "And Nick," she said giving me that look that meant she didn't want me to go onto that trail.

"Come on Michelle," I said, "I think we both know I can handle him." She shook her head at me but didn't answer because the next van arrived. After they all got off the van their driver repeated the direction and then left as well. I don't think the school was supposed to leave us unsupervised, but I'm not complaining.

Our whole class and two of the guys went to the easy trail, leaving only eight for the more difficult. Michelle ran over to Jake and I followed, "You're going to help me over those rocks right," she said in her little voice.

He smiled and gave her a quick peck on her lips, "of course I will honey."

"Alright," Danny turned around, "there is poison oak on this trail and if you get close I will yell, if you get closer I'll pull you away. So everyone stick close to the river and follow me."

"I'd be fine if he pulled me away from some poison oak," I said to Michelle and she just laughed and shook her head.

"Wow," Chase said walking over, "Danny's really going total boyscout on us." He was a boyscout so it was expected.

"Looks like we have the girls are coming with us," Jake said holding onto Michelle.

"Really, won't you guys break a nail or something," Chase said looking at us with eyebrows raised.

"We can handle it," I said pushing past him. We were like the middle of the road so there was no reason for anyone to complain about our presence. Crossing the river was nothing for me, but I was pretty athletic. Michelle sometimes lacks balance and I don't know if she needed it, but Jake always extended his hand to help her across. Trying to be polite Chase put his hand out to help me once, but stopped when I pushed it away. I can handle it.

We came to a huge rock and Michelle was by me, "oh how do we get over that."

"Not sure, but we'll find a way," I said smiling.

"I'd like to see her get over that herself," Chase said to Jake. I narrowed my eyes at him and tried to kill him with the lazer powers I didn't have.

"Just let it go," Michelle said. She went over and of course Jake helped her up and then helped her down. I looked at the rock looking for places to put my foot, I had good hiking boots so it shouldn't be too bad.

I looked over and Chase was sitting there, "you know sometimes it's okay to take some help, Keaton."

"I can do it myself," I said glaring at him.

"I bet you can't," he said climbing up and over.

When he disappeared to the other side I yelled, "you are on buddy. " I copied his steps up and it was a breeze it was gracefully getting down that might be the real problem. I looked down and he looked at me with an eyebrow raised, he put out his hand offering help. I slid down a little bit and then lost my footing and fell forward onto him. "Whoops," I said regaining my composure and standing up.

"That was real graceful," he said looking down at me. We were dangerously close and his grin scared me.

I backed up a step, "see I told you that I could do it myself."

"You are the most stubborn person I know," he said.

"I won," I said, "don't avoid it, what were the terms." I looked around for a second, "wait where did Michelle go."

"Her and Jake got a head start," he said.

"Really," I said looking ahead, "she knows not to leave me with you."

"Do you hate me that much," he said looking down a bit.

"It's just you bring out the worst in me," I said, "I don't think it's really healthy, so if I die to young it's probably your fault." I don't know where my reasoning comes from, but you can die an early death from excess stress.

"That makes no sense," he said.

"The word hate seems really mean," I said. I know I say it all the time, but not so much to people."But I mean I highly doubt you really care," I said shrugging.

"Would it really make a difference if I did," he said before walked ahead to catch up to Michelle and Jake. I kind of stopped in my tracks. What was that even supposed to mean, I don't get it.