Just a Game

Chapter 12

Yes I am still standing there thinking what the fuck. And watching as everyone else is so far ahead now and the people behind me have pretty much passed me. I wasn't standing there that long, it's just everyone was going about the same pace. I guess now was as good a time as any to snap out of my trance and continue, it looks like Danny had stopped at the top to wait for everyone.

I looked at the river deciding, now would be as good a time as ever to cross it. I looked at the rocks that lead across and took my first step, I wavered forward and then back a bit to catch my balance. When my arm went back though someone grabbed it and pulled me back against a rock wall. There was a lot of rock around us. I looked up at the person now in front of me and rolled my eye, "well hello there Nickolas."

I wasn't scared of him, he may have been big, but just looking at his eye, which was healing, gave me all the encouragement I needed. "Shut up," he said.

"Oh intimidating there," I said sarcastically with a bit of a laugh, "I am surprised though, this is creative, I swear I thought you'd do this in like a dark alley with like two other big football brutes." He just pushed me up against the wall again, "you know I'm not scared, and besides I have plenty of witnesses." Whom can't really see me right now, but Jake and Michelle would totally believe me. I could also scream, it would be smart, but it proves I'm scared and can't handle this on my own. Which I can.

Nick wasn't talking, he pushed his face near mine and I pushed it away in disgust. He is a persistent one isn't he. I went back to punch him the same way I had before, but he caught my fist in his hand and he's learned to tighten his grip. I may have underestimated my opponent. I let out a small yelp, probably from shock, damn I needed some new moves. This is why you never throw two fastballs to the same person. I should have known better. Damn.

He pulled my arm back turning me around and then twisted it an lifted up. Shit, yes it hurt, but all I could think was this is my pitching arm. My arm was already in the most awkward position, but he kept lifting it. What the hell is wrong with him, I was barley on the ground anymore and he was going to completely pull my arm out of my socket. Any real strength I had was is that arm and my legs were useless, because in my position I hadn't the balance to use them. Or good sense of where he was. All the hope I had was that soon enough this would bore him.

Yes he let go and I didn't really turn around to see why. Smart thing would have been to move right, but I had to make sure my arm was okay. I went through my wind up twice and it was in good enough shape, just needed a little ice. Yes I was all good.

I turned around real quick and the shock hit me, "what the hell did you do?"

"Umm nothing," Chase said putting his hand behind his head. I looked between him and Nick who was on the ground, still conscious, but on the ground non the less. I rolled my eyes and just walked away, whatever. "Are you okay," Chase asked catching up to me.

"What," I said as if I didn't know why I wouldn't be okay, "oh that, hardly felt a thing, had it all under control."

"Well I could see that," he said rolling his eyes. "So I guess I'm not going to get a thank you, am I," he looked at me expectantly.

"Why would I thank you," I said throwing my arms out in emphasis of my question, "I didn't ask for your help, it was unwanted." Some day I'm going to choke on my pride and choke hard, but not today.

"Yes I know, the way you'd have it your arm would be broken," he said.

"Maybe," I said, "and maybe not, but we'll never know now will we and sadly you won't get the chance to say I told you so." I couldn't help but smile as Nick crawled past us, it was just kind of funny.

"God, you are so stubborn," he walked ahead. No he's not allowed to be the one who walks away, that's supposed to be me.

"Well you're so arrogant," I yelled towards him taking two steps towards where he now was. He turned around and stopped, that's right I dragged you back in.

"How am I arrogant," he said walking back into the conversation.

"You think everyone is this helpless little person who needs your help, because you are better than everyone else," I said raising my eyebrow. That doesn't even make sense, but my arm still hurts and that effects my thinking.

"No I don't," he said.

"Then why'd you do that," I asked pointing back to where the scene had taken place, "huh?" He looked down rather than answering the question, "that's what I thought." This was when I was going to make my exit, but he looked up as if he were going to say something and I just stood there ready for what he would say.

It was all so fast, he brought my face towards his and he kissed me. I was ready for him to say something not that. No completely caught off guard, at first I wrapped my arms around his neck, but then it hit me. Keaton do you know who this is. I pushed him away and just looked t him and he the same. What do I do. I slapped him and then walked past him, but then continued up to Michelle in more of a sprint like fashion.

I stopped in the middle and just cursed to myself, "shit." I continued up to Michelle and looked at Jake, "sorry I'm taking you're girlfriend away, but this is crisis mode." I brought her away from from Jake over to a semi empty area and it's a good thing Danny stopped us all around there. Michelle just looked at me, I was kind of shaken up by it. "Can you pinch me please," I said pacing.

"Keaton, you're awake," she said.

"No, do anything, that did not just happen," I pushed my hair bangs back out of my face and she just shook her head. I sat down on a rock and said, "this is a nightmare."

"Well, what happened," she asked sitting with me.

"I don't know, we were yelling and being obnoxious to eachther as usual, and then all a sudden he does," I couldn't get myself to say it, "well you saw."

"You guys kissed," she said nodding.

"Don't say it outloud," I said, "and besides he kissed me, I pushed him off." I just put my head in my hands and said, "I don't understand anything anymore."

Chase's POV

I watched Keaton run up the hill, I don't really know what happened. I put my hand to my forehead and just said, "shit." I walked up slowely to where Jake was, hands in my pockets. What did I just do, I could see her pacing over somewhere with Michelle.

"What was that," Jake said hitting me in the head. I just looked at him pretending I didn't know what he was talking about. "Dude," he said, "I didn't even know you liked her."

"What," I said, "I don't like that skinny little brat." He rose his eyebrow at me and I continued, "I just did that to shut her up."

"You kissed her to shut her up," he said slowly as if he were questioning it.

"Yes," I said, "and it worked." I didn't like her, no way no how, I don't really know what had come over me.

"Alright whatever you say," he said skeptically. I nodded and then looked over to her again. She seemed really shaken up, not that I really blame her, it came out of no where. I brushed my hand through my hair almost feeling bad about it.

Danny stood up on a rock going all boyscout again, "we are going up, it's steep and I need to know if someone has asma or any breathing trouble, like if they are sick." No one rose their hand, it wasn't a difficult trail and I doubted anyone would really have problems. I thought it would be better to keep my distance from her, so I stayed in the way back while her and Michelle moved more towards the front.

When we got to the end of the trail all the girls were already waiting and even if I did want to talk to her, I doubt she'd want to talk to me. Besides, I'd have to go over there and walk by Chelsea. That girl is so crazy, she asked me to prom a few days ago, I don't know she just really freaks me out. Anyways we got onto our seperate vans and went back to school. She'll probably never want to talk to me again, which is actually no diferent from usual, why do I even care.