Just a Game

Chapter 21

I reluctantly got ready for the date I now didn't really feel like going to. I half didn't even feel like getting dressed or making myself look attractive. I slipped on a pair of jeans, for spring in LA it was actually pretty cool this year. I put on a ehite shirt that said number 19, it really wan't trying that hard and my hair, well I left it in the messed up pony tail I had it in for practice.

I drove myself over to his house and rang the door bell and Brandon answered, "wow you look..."

"Please, hold the fake compliment," I said, "I know I look messed up, but I've had a rough day." He gestured me to come in and I did so.

"Do you wanna talk about it," he asked followin behind me. This boy was so nice, he actually listens, how many guys actually sit and listen to you. And our romantic moments are even at a normal volume rather than yelling at each other. If you could really call any of that romantic, because it really isn't.

"Ya know ctually I'll pass on the talking," I said, "let's just watch a movie."

"Okay," he said, "I'm going to order pizza, pick any movie you want, they're all under the television." I looked through the movies, I am so not going to watch a horror movie, I get nightmares and then I would rather kill myself than watch any romantic comedy. I settled for wanted, I like Angelina Jolie and I really like movies with guns. "Alright," he walked back in, "so what are we watching?"

"This," I held it up.

"Really," he said.

"What's wrong with this movie," I said raising my eyebrow.

"Nothing, just usually girls go for the rom com stuff," he said.

I shrugged, "I guess I'm more of an action thriller type person." I was reading that of the box, but it sounded kind of dirty, "that sounded really wrong."

I looked up and he laughed, "that's alright, it was cute."

We watched the movie which instantly made me feel a little better, there isn't a day that goes by where I don't hope that I have a profession with a gun. The box of pizza was empty by now and I was laying upside down. I rolled over to the floor, "something about that movie makes me want to be an assassin."

"Did you know you're crazy," he said.

"So you've never thought about being an assassin," I rose my eyebrow, "think about it, then we could have a mr. mrs. smith moment." He smirked at the idea and I rolled my eyes. "Okay so I'm a little crazy," I said shrugging. We watched a few more movies and then I decided it was getting a little late. "I should probably go now," I said, "but this was real fun and I feel a lot better."

We walked over to the door and stepped outside, "glad I could help." He smiled and leaned in for a kiss and I can't believe I'm doing this.

"I'm sorry," I said backing away, "you're great, probably the best date I've ever had, but I can't get attached, schools almost over and in about a month I'll be gone."

"Oh," he said unsure.

"It's not that I don't like you," I said, "because I really do, it's just college, I don't want to string you along."

"I understand," he said kissing my forehead lightly and I smiled while mouthing thanks. I started walking away and he said, "but if you don't mind," I turned around and he was waving his phone in the air, "I'm probably going to hold onto your number."

"Go ahead," I smiled and sent him a wave before leaving.

I opened the door and walked into my house and Sean sat there on the couch, "how was your night?"

"Perfect," I smiled and he rolled his eyes.

"Michelle stopped by," he said.

"Really, why," I asked as I started upstairs, "she knew I had a date."

He shrugged, "just said she was dropping something off, I tink she put it in your room." I shrugged as well and made my way up to my room. On my desk, there it was, that description, that stupid English assignment written by him. 'Please just read it -Michelle' was the little sticky note on top of it. I sighed and took it off and started reading it. I'll spare you the details, mostly because I wouldn't want to type that much. It made me feel bad that I described him with such a negative undertone, his was sweet and oh my God I wish I never read that.

The next day I came to school in a huge hoodie and blue streatch pants, I'm going to say the best part of today would be leaving early for our game. I get to avoid my one class with him. "You look horrible," Michelle said as she looked at me.

"Did you read it," Jackie said coming out of no where, "I thought it was so sweet."

"Yeah," I said turning to Michelle, "and I seriously hate you for that."

"Don't look at me," she said, "that was all Jackie's master plan, she took it out and gave it to me." I glared at Jackie who just waved at me and then I sighed and banged my head down on the table."

"On a different note," Jackie said, "how was your date with Brandon."

"Perfect," I said thinking about it, "but I told him that we wouldn't work out."

"Before or after you read the paper from Chase," Michelle said smiling really big.

"Before," I said giving her a nasty look, "I'm leving for Washington in a month Michelle, I can't just make this poor kid fall in love with me and then leave. That would be really unfair for him."

"Sure," Jackie said, "or you don't want to get to involved and then get hurt."

"Jackie," I said, "when has that ever happened to me."

"Never, because you break up with people before it can," she stuck her tongue out.

"You guys told me all those guys were asshole jerks" I said and they nodded, "when I'm in Washington, I will find a guy and I will make the relationship last and I will watch you eat your words Jackie." She crossed her arms and rolled my eyes, "but for now," I continued, "no guys in my life, just for this month."

"What about Chase," Michelle said.

"I said no guys in my life," I repeated angrily and then continued, "is he a guy Michelle?" She nodded her head and then I finished, "then he is a part of that." She pouted and I just went on eating my sandwitch before the conversation evolved. Luckily someone changed the subject and all I had left was psyche and then out of here. For the day.