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A Team of Extraordinary Gentlemen

Chapter 19 I Can't Take This Much Longer

Scout's POV

Oh god I hurt and ached all over. I was weary and every part of me stung or hurt in some different way. My arms felt like someone had run over them, my body felt like something had taken a sword and cut every inch of my body with it. My more sensitive area was sore due to a few things Annie decided to leave on for only about 6 hours. My legs were pretty ache free other than the thing holding me had started to grow longer and had more needles sticking in me.

I heard Annie"s heavy footsteps, she walked in with a pad of paper and a smile on her face. She pulled a stool up right beneath me and put a knife on top of it. The she sat down at the controls. I scowled.

"Well did we have a good night sleep?" She asked me in a very bright and perky tone.

I hung there in silence.

"Well then, time for some more questions, dearie."

I groaned.

"Now do you know what Operation AJAX is?"

"Uh no, no I don't." I said.

She pushed something and instantly I felt really sad, depressed even, depressed enough to kill myself.

I looked down, and there was the knife, I started to try and grab it. Falling extremly short each time. Suddenly the depression went away and pain shot through me.

I screamed and I started to twist and turn. I screamed so loud I thought I would blow out my vocal cords.

"Turn it off! Turn it OFF!" I half yelled half screamed.

She turned it off. Smiling.

"Are we ready to cooperate yet?" She asked.

"No." I said, finding willpower deep within me.

She pushed a button, and the stimulation feeling came back. I moaned and my eyes rolled back into my head.

"I will be back in a few hours, hopefully you will be ready to talk." She said walking out of the room.