

‭“‬Daisy‭… ‬Daisy,‭ ‬wait‭!” ‬Corbin yelled as he chased after the young bride.‭ “‬Please,‭ ‬wait‭! ‬You know that I didn’t mean it like that‭!” ‬Daisy glanced over her shoulder,‭ ‬but continued on.‭ “‬Oh‭! ‬Are you seriously acting like this,‭ ‬Daisy‭?” ‬Corbin slowed to a stop as he watched her gate slow.‭ ‬She was beautiful and exotic,‭ ‬yet childish at times.‭ ‬Her young spirit only added to her beauty,‭ ‬but Corbin found himself annoyed with it at this moment.

‭“‬Leave me be,‭ ‬you jackass‭!” ‬Daisy cried.‭ “‬You’re a jerk‭! ‬I don’t want to talk to you‭… ‬Apparently it was a mistake marrying you-‭ ‬our goals and dreams are so different.‭” ‬She sobbed.‭ ‬Daisy couldn’t help but wonder if they had made a mistake getting married so young.‭ ‬They were barely twenty and already settled down.‭ ‬She couldn’t help but wonder if they had leaped too fast.

“‬Don’t say that.‭ ‬Please,‭ ‬don’t say that.‭” ‬Corbin pleaded.‭ “‬I love you,‭ ‬Daisy.‭ ‬I love you more than life itself‭!”

“Why‭? ‬Why did you say that‭?! ‬Tell me‭!” ‬She screamed.

‭“‬I’m‭… ‬I’m scared.‭ ‬Scratch that,‭ ‬I’m terrified.‭ ‬We can barely take care of ourselves‭; ‬never mind bringing another human into this world.‭ ‬I‭… ‬I just thought that maybe there were other options.‭ ‬How can we afford a pregnancy when we have to struggle to make ends meet‭? ‬I was just thinking of what was best for us‭…”

“Corbin,‭ ‬don’t you see‭? ‬A person’s a person,‭ ‬no matter how small.‭”

“You honestly believe that that thing inside of you is a person‭? ‬It hasn’t taken its first breath yet‭… ‬It doesn’t have a brain,‭ ‬a soul,‭ ‬a personality‭; ‬how can it be a person‭?” ‬Corbin asked,‭ ‬rubbing his temples.‭ ‬It was too much for him to even fathom that that thing was a person.

‭“‬God,‭ ‬Corbin.‭ ‬We are so different‭! ‬How can you believe that this,‭” ‬She placed her hands on her tummy,‭ “‬is not a living,‭ ‬feeling being‭? ‬How could you not love him or her‭? ‬How could you not feel an instant bond‭?” ‬Tears were collecting at the rims of her eyes.‭ ‬How could she have fell for someone who was so different‭? ‬Who didn’t have the same goals‭; ‬the same wants‭… ‬the same needs.‭ ‬Daisy needed a family‭; ‬Daisy wanted a family‭; ‬Daisy wanted her own,‭ ‬real family.‭ ‬

Corbin wanted none of that.‭ ‬Corbin wanted to be free,‭ ‬to be young,‭ ‬and to be carefree.‭ ‬He didn’t want a family‭… ‬He didn’t need a family.‭ ‬Corbin had made it ten years by himself.‭ ‬Why would he need one now‭? ‬Besides,‭ ‬they were just barely adults themselves‭… ‬they both still had childish impulses,‭ ‬especially Daisy‭; ‬how could they care for a child‭?

“I don’t know Daisy‭… ‬I just don’t.‭ ‬We cannot take care of a child.‭ ‬We’re barely adults ourselves‭! ‬Daisy,‭ ‬we’re practically still kids‭! ‬We still act like them‭… ‬How do you think this mistake happened in the first place‭?!”

“Mistake‭?! ‬Mistake‭?! ‬You think this baby is a mistake‭? ‬God‭! ‬I don’t even know you,‭ ‬Corbin‭! ‬How dare you call my baby a mistake‭?”

“Oh my God,‭ ‬I didn’t mean it like that‭! ‬Stop being so over-dramatic‭! ‬I just meant that we cannot afford it right now.‭ ‬We cannot afford the doctor bills that you’ll have‭; ‬never mind the hospital bill when the baby is born.‭ ‬Forget about all the supplies‭!”

“Fine,‭ ‬I will make it on my own.‭ ‬It’s over‭… ‬We’re over.‭” ‬Corbin’s face fell.


“We’re over.‭ ‬O-V-E-R,‭ ‬over‭! ‬We are just too different for our own good‭… ‬I cannot destroy a life.‭ ‬I cannot give away‭ ‬my‭ ‬baby‭!” ‬Daisy walked away‭; ‬leaving Corbin in the middle of the parking lot,‭ ‬mouth agape.‭ ‬What just happened‭? ‬Where did that come from‭? ‬How could it all be over,‭ ‬so fast‭?