Status: Writing........

That Girl Named Jennifer

You know the type of girl that seems completely crazy? You know she'll bring drama, she's weird and different, but something about that makes you want her more? Jennifer was THAT girl..............

Jennifer Lee (Age: 20): is one of our main characters of the story as is pretty much the main topic. She's a dreamer, an observer, unusual yes, but fascinating to watch. She is a writer for the local newspaper and in her spare time she likes to go sit in fields or by the sea. She is poetic in the sad, depressing sort of way. She is mysterious. She acts a lot older than she is.

Eric Bloom (Age: 22): is our second main character of the story. He is a little bit of an underdog compared to all his friends. He plays guitar in a band, which includes his close friends. He also lives with two of the band members in a house. He gets more and more curious about Jennifer the more he gets to know her. He realises how different she is to any other girl in LA and that makes him evermore interested in her, even when she causes trouble or drama that he never usually has in his life.........................
  1. Meeting Jennifer
    The night we met.
  2. Out To Sea
    The Second Meeting