Status: Writing........

That Girl Named Jennifer

Meeting Jennifer

* Eric's Point Of View *

She was different. Jennifer Lee.
When I met her, I guess I was different too.
My longest relationship was two years, but none of them even resembled Jennifer.
She was something more, I met her when she was twenty she acted like she was forty in that sexy sort of way.
It was like she was something more than all of us but she wasn't stuck up or even obnoxiously aware of it.
She was a handful of trouble if I knew that before I shook her hand, I would've ran and left that night but as I said she was different.

The difference, I don't know maybe that's what got me hooked.
She wasn't your typical L.A. Girl, hell no!
She was something far more than that.
In fact, I think I knew that the night I met her.
My friends, most of whom were all in relationships or “playing the field” were sick of me being the odd one out.
So my closest friend (Since I had known him the longest) Chris sent his girlfriend on a search for any single girl she knew.
So we waited at the bar at one of L.A.'s new club openings until they showed up.

“If she's a crazed psychopathic lunatic dude, you are so getting your ass kicked” I spoke seriously.
“Eh no I won't, she'll have killed you and buried you six feet under by the time you got the chance” Chris laughed spinning his chair around to face me.
“Dude you don't even know the chick that well, neither does Tasha” I point out.
“Put on your sweet boy smile, there they are” he pointed ahead to Tasha and about five other girls.
We walked over and I looked at every girl, one I couldn't see as she had her back to me.
As we got closer, I saw Tasha whisper to the girl that I couldn't see.
Just as I stood still in the middle of them all, she turned around.

Her black hair reached down to just below her shoulders and her big eyes sparkled a brilliant bright shade of blue.
Yes, she was definitely different from LA girls.
She smiled in such a way that you weren't sure if it was genuine or not.
“Jennifer Lee” she reached her hand out to me.
“Eric Bloom” I smiled shaking her hand.
“Oh hey, thanks” she smiled again taking my bottle of beer from my other hand.
“So anyone need a drink?” Chris smiled putting both hands on my shoulders.
“Uhh yeah......another beer” I answer stunned as Jennifer laughs silently.
Now that smile, that one was genuine.

An hour later we had all moved to a slightly secluded booth, me and Jennifer sitting beside one another.
As soon as Chris yelled “Let's dance” everyone jumped up and ran to the dance floor.
Everyone except me & Jennifer, who smiled watching everyone move.
“Would you like to dance?” I ask moving slightly closer to her.
“Oh no, I don't dance. I'm really bad” she shook her head.
“Good so am I” I laughed taking her hand and making her follow me to the dance floor.

Just as we got next to everyone we were with a slow song started up, we both shrugged and put our arms around each other.
“So what is it you do then Eric?” she asks highly interested.
“It's really not that interesting, don't worry. I'm a musician of sorts” I laugh.
“Of sorts?” she asks.
“Yes, I work at a record store most of the time and play gigs when I'm not working. What about you then? What's behind the mysteriousness?” I smile.
“I'm a writer. Of sorts” she nods.
“Oh and just what do you write about?” I say before twirling her around.
“Whatever I find interesting” she answers short.
“I'm not going to find myself in some article in the local paper am I?” I joke.
“Oh please I'll change the name, you won't even know it's you” we both laugh.
“Hey let's get out of here!” she stops moving and takes my hand.
“But my friends?” I point.
“Oh shh, their too busy making out to notice” she pulls my hand.
I let her.

She pulls me through the crowd and out of the club.
“Where to now batman?” I ask jokingly as we stand outside the club.
“If anything I am catwoman and where else at eleven o clock at night?” she waves out her arms.
“A twenty four diner” she answers my raised eyebrow.
We walk a few blocks until we find the twenty four hour diner, I assume she was known there since each waitress gave her a polite wave.
We sat across from each other at a table next to the window.
One of the waitresses walked up, without a word got her pen and notepad ready.
“One cappuccino please” Jennifer ordered from behind a menu she probably didn't need.
“ black” I shrug as the waitress makes a “Mmph” noise before walking away.

“So you never did tell me Eric, what is it you do as a musician?” she asks tilting her head to the side for a moment.
“I play guitar and I guess I sing back up. We have a band, Chris he's the singer” I answer.
“Ah Chris, the blonde guy. Tasha's boyfriend right?” she asked.
“Yeah that's him, how do you know Tasha?” I ask.
“I don't if I'm honest, I went to school with her sister Kate. I work with Tasha and I guess she knew me from way back when so she invited me out and here we are” I laugh.
“So wait, you do work at the local newspaper? I was joking, I'm not going to end up on some article about why men are so awful am I?” I ask more serious as the waitress puts our drinks on the table.
“No no, it's nothing like that. I review music, gigs and....I use to be the agony aunt but I stopped that” she smiled cupping the mug.

“Oh that's pretty awesome. Agony aunt, so people like wrote in and asked for advice?” I sip my coffee.
She nods before taking a sip of her drink.
“Oh my god, that sucks. Were you always helpful?” I smile.
“Of course not, why did you think I stopped?” we both laugh again before drinking from our giant mugs.

We soon finish them and begin walking in the direction I assume is Jennifer's place.
We stop in front of a very tall apartment building.
“So hey, can I have your number? Maybe we can meet up again” I say nervously.
“Yeah sure of course” she says as I take my phone out in order to take the number down.
She searches through the small purse in her hand and pulls out some lipstick.
She pulls my hand holding the phone and turns it over.
She begins writing the numbers with the lipstick on my hand.
“Goodnight Eric” she smiles kissing my cheek before she walks away.
Leaving me standing there staring at my hand, half stunned and half wanting to jump up and down with excitement.
I shake my head before beginning the walk back to my house only a few blocks a way.
Not so much my house, since it was three of us in it.
Me, Chris and Johnny, I just couldn't wait to be bombarded with questions about the night.
♠ ♠ ♠
Sometimes inspiration comes in the middle of the night when you should be sleeping, most of the time actually.
I wrote this in the early hours of the morning when I couldn't sleep, I began listening to music and was inspired by many songs describing different girls.
One song has always inspired me & I've always wanted to do a story to go with it.
The song Remembering Sunday by All Time Low, the lines "She pulled on his hand with a devilish grin, she led him upstairs, left him dying to get in" always stuck out for some reason.
So the character Jennifer was heavily inspired by that song and Emily by From First To Last.

I'll link both songs here so you can have a listen while/after you read.

All Time Low - Remembering Sunday

From First To Last - Emily