The Mark of Chaos


“Please, don’t do this! I don’t know anything!”
Huh, I wonder what time it is. Daytime? Nighttime? It’s so hard to tell in this windowless room.
Maybe its midnight. It feels like its midnight. Yeah.
Blood splattered across the cement floor, the dark blotches glowing eerily in the dim light. The others screamed, pressing their malnourished bodies against the plain gray walls. A few sobbed wildly, shaking violently with each cry.
Of course, that was the normal reaction in this kind of situation. Strange, it isn’t very productive. Crying won’t change anything. It certainly won’t save the poor sap bleeding to death over there.
Well, at least he won’t feel the rest of it, I thought, staring straight ahead at the rigid body. Blood oozed from the puckered line across his bare chest. His eyelids twitched, the only indication that he still lived.
He wouldn’t be alive much longer, not after ‘that’ has had its way with him.
‘It’ was a nightmare to behold. Its skin was pale, an off white that hung loose from the bones. Yellow orbs stared greedily from the malformed head, focused intently on the task ahead. It picked up a razor sharp knife, and carefully and precisely started separating the skin from the bone. It was revolting to see the knife slide under the skin, cutting into the thick muscle, and snapping the tendons. He moved slightly, but thankfully for him, he was too far gone to truly feel what was happening.
Someone vomited in the corner, heaving what little was in there stomach onto the floor. I couldn’t really blame them, but they should make an effort to keep everything down. Who knows when we will be fed again?
Well, the others weren’t my concern. I couldn’t care less about them dying. In fact, their deaths prolonged my own. Every time one of them died, it ensured at least another two days of my survival, days that wouldn’t be wasted.
Still, as my fingers slowly unclenched the dangerous metal teeth of my shackle, I knew it was only a matter of time before it was me up there, on the chopping block.