

Looking around the room, I clutch my bag tightly in my hand while the woman I’ll be staying with Mrs. Maple chatters constantly about her husband and herself being such good people at taking in so many children who have nothing in the world but them.
“…And this Coral,” she says but I interrupt her.
“Actually if you don’t mind, I prefer ‘Corrie’. My Mom was the only one who called me ‘Coral’.” I murmur softly as a tear falls down my cheek.
Mrs. Maple nods and then goes back to chatting, obviously either a) blind or b) not really caring if I was in so much pain.
“Well, anyway Corrie this shall be your room while you’re here. You know Edmund and I are simply delighted to have you staying with us, even if it is for a short time.”
I bob my head as she speaks but pay no attention, my thoughts are with my young sister Olive who is at this moment in the hospital being probed by doctors and doesn’t have a friendly face near her.
“So, I’ll just leave you to unpack. Dinner will be at six o’clock sharp and then we’ll have a little Bible reading afterwards.”
Bible reading? What kind of place is this? I think to myself as she shuts the door behind her and I start to take my things out of my bag. A picture of Olive and I at the beach only a few years ago when I was twelve and she was six; Mom’s wedding ring to my Dad, Carter, that she wore around her neck after she married my step-dad; my journal; and a few photo albums of my family before Elliot snapped and… and… I can’t even think of it now. It’s too soon, I think to myself as I shake my head and continue to unpack.

That night at the family dinner I met six other foster kids who were staying with the Maple couple; there was only one other girl aside from myself, and the rest were guys.
I didn’t bother paying attention to their names as they introduced themselves, I knew that my case worker hadn’t planned on me staying here for long and I didn’t want to become attached to anyone else knowing that I could lose them so easily.
“So Coral,” Edmund started to say but was cut off by his wife.
“Actually Eddie darling,” his wife interrupted him. “Coral prefers to be called ‘Corrie’.” She snickered a little but said as a matter of fact. He turned to me to get my take on this; I just nodded as I started to eat a little of my soup.
“Oh no Corrie,” Edmund said stopping me from eating. “We have to say Grace first. Were you raised in a cave?”
I felt my temper start to boil at that remark, “No actually, I was raised in a very nice home.”
Mrs. Maple snorted at that but Mr. Maple let it go as I put the spoon down.
“Who would like to say Grace for dinner?” He looked around the table.
“Why don’t you darling,” his wife remarked. “You have a simply splendid voice for saying Grace.”
Mr. Maple smiled at that, “Very well then, if no one else would like to.” Still no one said anything, he turned to Mrs. Maple. “Thank you Sylvia.” Turning his head down, everyone followed suit.
Frowning, I did the same.
He took a deep breath as he started, “Thank you Lord for the food we are about to receive. You have blessed this household with eight healthy people, even if some of them are lost and have done terrible things let them feel the love you have bestowed Sylvia and I with.” He paused for a moment and I thought him to be done. As my lips formed the word ‘amen’ he added, “And thank you Lord for bringing our new daughter, Coral, to us in her time of need for a family to guide her towards your righteousness. Amen.” Everyone said ‘amen’ but I sat there stunned.
No one spoke as dinner was consumed, and I ate very little partly because I was still shocked about what Mr. Maple had said while saying Grace and partly because I wanted to be with Liv.
“Eat up Coral,” Mrs. Maple says and I sigh annoyed but not having the strength to argue with her. “You’re only allowed three meals a day here, no snacking here.” She said full of pride as she turned to her husband. “Isn’t that right Eddie?”
He nods but says nothing.
Angrily, I pick up my spoon and put it into the soup.

The night is perfectly still outside and I’m sitting with Liv attempting to teach her how to make friendship bracelets, unfortunately though I’ve always sucked at them so we’re pretty much making a ball of yarn.
Shrieking, I jump up as our Mom hits us with water balloons.
“Mom!” Liv screams laughing as we both run away from her but she follows. “Mom, stop! It’s the middle of September!”
“So you’re saying you’re scared of a little water Olive?” Mom laughs with her big belly laugh and I can’t help but smile.
Suddenly a shot rings out loud and clear from the house, and Elliot comes out with a pistol and throwing beer bottles.
“Oh my God,” I whisper trying to reach my Mom in time but I’m too late. He’s already got the gun pointed at her chest.
“Elliot, Elliot don’t do this.” Mom whispers as I run leaving Liv standing there shocked. “Elliot, honey, think of the girls.” She tries to appeal to his father senses but that doesn’t work so she tries the begging tactic. “Elliot whatever you think I’ve done, I haven’t.”
“Lying skank,” he snarls as he hits her in the face and then pulls the trigger straight into her breast.
“MOM!” I scream and he whirls around to shoot at me. But he misses me and I scream for Liv to run…

Screaming and crying out for my Mom and sister, I wake up in a cold sweat. I find the blankets tangled around my frail body and pillows strewn about on the floor from me striking out while I had slept.
Looking around the room, I shake as Edmund Maple comes dashing into the room to find out if I’m alright.
Quivering, I look into his face and see the concern.
“It’s him,” I choke out. “He killed Mom, and he put my sister in the hospital.” Tears glide freely down my face as he takes me into his arms and makes soothing sounds. “He killed my Mother and he hurt my sister, he did that.” I cry hard as into his shoulder.
As I slowly calm down from the memory, I hiccup and feel a hand run through my hair.
“It’s okay Corrie, it’s okay. He’ll never be able to hurt you or your sister again,” Edmund says softly as I slowly start to drift back to bed. “Tomorrow I’ll take you to see your sister alright?”
I nod gently as my eyes flutter close. Tomorrow I can see Liv; I can hug my own sister and tell her how sorry I am and how much I ... I … love her. Drifting off to sleep, I remember my sister’s beautiful face before she went into the hospital and my Mom from when she was young and full of life. Not lying in the morgue waiting for her funeral.

The next morning, I look at myself in the bathroom mirror and see just how bad I look after my night of terrible dreams.
My beautiful blue eyes are puffy, my voice is cracked from the screaming, and my hair literally looks like a rat’s nest. Sighing, I pick up the brush and start to go through my long silky hair.
“Coral, Coral dear,” someone knocks at the door and I walk over to open it.
It’s Mrs. Maple, she looks annoyed but says nothing other than, and “Hurry up doll, Edmund says you two are going to Sacred Heart today to visit your sister.” After she gets that out of her, she leaves quickly and I’m left standing along in the doorway of my room.
♠ ♠ ♠
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