

I felt so trapped today.

When I had come back to consciousness the first thing I was aware of was the shift in attitude around the room.

I could hear nurses rustling around, cleaning up, I could feel a breeze sweeping in from the open hospital room window, and I could sense Dr. Bells next to me, breathing steadily, his hands clasped together, as he waited for everyone else to leave the room.

I wanted to know what was going on.

The stuffiness was suffocating me.

When everyone left I heard Dr. Bells sit and sigh.
"Liv, baby girl. Come on, you have to wake up, it's been so long. Please." I heard tears in his voice, had something happened at home? "Please, girlie, open your eyes, giggle. Your sister told me you love giggling, she said you had the nicest voice, I'd love to hear it." I heard him shuffle the blankets tighter around my body.
"Liv, you can hear me right?" Yes. "Of course you can, you're to smart to be dead, even if you can't move."

Dr. Bells stayed with me all day, no one else came through, and he talked to me, whispered to me, pleaded with me, even screamed at me.

"Liv, please, we want you to live. You have such a long life ahead of you, if you could just...get..NURSE!!" His voice was ecstatic.

My hand had twitched, and I felt his grip, and I squeezed, because that's what coma patients did in the movies.

A nurse rushed in and suddenly she had her hands wrapped around mine.

"Squeeze again, Liv, come on!"

So I did, and I thought they were crying because they were so happy.

The mood shift in the room was great, doctors I had never met before were milling around, talking to me, as were nurses.

I think at one point, Dr. Bells said even the Director of the Hospital was there.

"You're a miracle, Liv, a miracle."

And everything..was heavy again.
♠ ♠ ♠'s sort of happy
As for what happens next, I'm keeping my lips sealed, but it's not going to be fun to write. :'(
