

School is complete Hell; everywhere I go there are people whispering about how I'm the new girl, and that I'm a foster kid.
I hear rustled rumors as I walk by, but I can only catch snippits of what they say though. For one there's a rumor that I supposedly worked with my step-dad in the plan about murdering my own mother, and putting my sister in a coma. Then there's the rumor that I'm only alive because my step-dad was having an affair with me, and just wanted the two of them out of the way so that we could continue our relationship.
There are a lot of rumors like that though.
Walking the halls of Milton High School, I clutch my books to my chest tightly as people bump into me and whisper.
With my head down, I try to ignore the stairs but it doesn't help. It seems as if people go out of their way to come and hurt me.
The only reason I've put up with it even remotly is because I'm not willing to be moved farther away from Olive.

It's been about three or four months since my first visit with Sylvia and Edmund to the hospital to see Liv, and because it's the day I'm not allowed to see her I fall asleep in all of my classes.
I wake up to my teacher, Madame Stanley, standing over my with her arms crossed and frowning. Looking up, I don't even try to say anything.
"Miss Plath s'il vous plaît me voir dans la salle aujourd'hui." She says in a stern voice as I get up and push my hair back.
The whispers behind my back inform me that people will immediately turn this into a giant thing as per usual at this stupid school.
When we're in the hall, Madame Stanley's face softens as she looks at me but she keeps up her stern voice although it's just barely there.
"Corrie, I'm sympathetic towards your position, don't misunderstand me, but it is unacceptable for you to sleep in class every other day. It has come to the attention of all the teachers, as well as Principal Grant, and he is most certainely willing to kick you out. What do you have to say for yourself?"
I shrugged.
"Well?" She is upset and pretty much straining herself not to yell at me.
"Do you really want to know what I have to say?" I looked at her steadily not backing down.
She nods.
"My mother was murdered, my sister is in a coma, my dad is dead, and my step-dad is on the run for the murder of my mother and putting my sister in the hospital. How am I supposed to focus when I have no one left?" I look at her with hurt and hate for humanity in my eyes. "You don't care, no one in this place does. You all just want the money that the Maple's are shelling out."
Her mouth is open and she starts to speek but a student, a girl whose name I think is either Destiny or Delialh, pops her head out.
"Madame, recteur Grant est au téléphone pour vous." Madame nods and motions for me to follow her into the classroom.
Taking my seat, I hold my legs to my chest and run my hand under my eyes as a tear falls and hope it doesn't smudge my mascara.
Suddenly it's dead silent as Madame Stanley puts down the phone and looks at me, "Miss Plath, ils vous voulez dans le bureau."
I look up and she motions for me to go fast as she stares at me in awe.
Something has happened, and the shit is just about to hit the fan.

Hurrying out of the room, I take the elevator down to the main floor before going at full speed to the main office.
When I reach the door, I take a breath to calm myself before opening the door to the office.
Everyone is standing there talking as I come in; I mean everyone. Police officers, Principal Grant, that stupid Southern secratary, Edmund and Sylvia... there are so many people and they all become dead silent and stare at me.
"What's going on?"I whisper frightened.
A black policeman steps forward and takes off his hat, "Miss Coral, we've got some good and bad news for you."
I look at him anxiously.
"The good news is that your sister, Olive Howard, has woken up from her coma."
My mouth drops open and I start to whimper, "Please, please don't say that. You're just a dream and when I wake up it's going to hurt."
He smiles as he shakes his head, "No Miss Coral, Olive is awake and in testing right now."
"Oh my God," I start to cry and take a seat as I try to take it all in. My sister is awake and okay, she's alright. Olive is okay.
I'm blubbering as Sylvia and Edmund hug me tightly.
After a few minutes, I'm only sniffling and look to him. "What's the bad news? You said you had bad news."
He looks down, "Elliot Howard is back in town and knows you're staying with the Maple's. You're being transfered to a new household right now."

Sitting in the police car, I can barely hold myself together.
As much as I detested Sylvia, I had became fond of her in a way. Besides, Edmund was so kind to me and usually took my side. I was going to miss them.
My bags had been packed and given to Officer McDougal so that we wouldn't have to go back to the house in case Elliot was there and waiting for me.
As we drove, I thought back to my last few moments wit hthe Maple's. Edmund hugged me, and told me that I ever needed anyone to talk to that I could call him up and talk as much or as little as I wanted. Sylvia embraced me tenderly even thoguh we never got along, but I knew she felt sorry and affectionate for me. When we broke apart she gave me her beloved cross earrings to remember her and Edmund by.
With tears dripping down my nose, I looked out the window. There was nothing but cars upon more cars, but we somehow managed to finally get to the apartment building where my new family was staying.
As Officer McDougal took my bags out of the trunk, I waited anxiously.
"Now Coral, you're going to be the Cohen's first foster child. Come along," he shuts the trunk and we walk quickly into the building where a man and woman are standing waiting for us.
The woman is tiny with blonde hair, a wiry frame, and peachy skin. Meanwhile the man is stout, has a bald patch, and is smoking from a pipe.
"Mr. and Mrs. Cohen this is Coral Plath, Coral this is Mr. Avi Cohen and his wife, Dale Cohen."
Mr. Cohen sticks out his hand and I shake it while his wife smiles warmly at me.
"Welcome to the family Coral," he says smiling at me.
♠ ♠ ♠
Sorry for the delay.
Hope you all like!
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Coral's outfit.