

I think I’ve sat up about a billion times, and it’s getting on my nerves. Yes, I’m awake, I get it! But I just want to see my sister!

Of course, I didn’t say anything, I was almost too happy to. I was seeing and actually talking back to Mr. Bells for the first time ever! I was so happy. He was a very handsome man, with medium length. gangly, black hair and pale skin, and just as I had always pictured him, he had glasses! The kind of glasses that slid down his nose when he wanted to be serious with me.

He told me I was a miracle- even if I didn’t feel like one. I had lost the ability of sight in my left eye and hearing in my right ear but that was all. And I was moving and talked so fast. It had only been a week!

We talked about his boyfriend a lot now to, more often than he had spoken of him when I had been unconscious. I had even seen a picture of the infamous Daniel once. He was handsome too, but I told Dr. Bells that he was prettier. He agreed, with a laugh.

One day, Friday… it think, Dr. Bells came into my room. I was sitting up and I was grinning happy to see him, but my grin vanished when I saw the man behind him. My dad.

“Hallo, Olive.” My dad said. “Hi sweetie.” I saw sadness in his eyes, the need for forgiveness, how sorry he was. His soul yearned for me to understand his pain. And I think I did, but he deserves punishment for killing mummy… right?

“Hmph!” I tuned my head and stuck my nose into the air.

“I get it, this is daddies punishment isn’t it, daddies sorry he left, daddy was just… scared.” I looked at him with my one good eye, but still I refused to talk to him. “Daddy doesn’t have a lot of time, please say hi. That’s all daddy wants.”

Begging, pathetic. I snorted and turned my head to hide tears I didn’t want to shed.

“Mr. Howard, do the police know you are here?” My dad froze, he shook his head, seeming lost now, panicky.

“I have to go now, honey. Bye.” He left quickly and with fast spastic, twitchy steps.

“Olly, you did good. You know what he did to you, right? You know he’s the reason you’re here?” I nodded, I knew, just because I was young doesn’t mean I didn’t understand.
Dr. Bells rubbed his hand over the bridge of his nose as he sighed.

“Well, I have some bad news… and some god news. The bad news is, you’ll have to be moved out of the hospital into a doctors home.” I nodded, it made sense. “The good news is, that doctors me. They couldn’t find another doctor that would fit to your needs, so, I hope you don’t mind. Daniel’s getting a room set up for you right now.”

“Like lot, stay with best man ever.” My mouth was confused, and wouldn’t say what I though, that would take awhile, Dr. Bells said sometimes my mouth missed the signals my brain was sending it, but I think I got my massage across.

“Now, Olly, I am not the best man ever. Daniel is.” He said in that lofty voice he always used when talking about Daniel. I rolled my eyes.

“Love stink, make stupid.” Dr. Bells stared at me stunned before he doubled over in laughter.

“Oh, Olly.” He murmured, patting my head.

“Oh Olly.” I mocked, more laughter. More treasured moments. Some day will be my last and when that day comes I want to remember it.
♠ ♠ ♠
Well... that was almost as painful as imagined... so stiff! D:<
Sorry it took sooo long to update, but my keyboard wasn't working and I lost my USB port so I couldn't get it from my Notebook/Netbook thing onto the computer. And I couldn't post it directly from my netbook cause the internet doesn't work. :/
Sorry... again. :)

I hope it was worth the wait~! :)
Here is what Dr. Bells looks like~! :D
Although, his hair is Snape with Dumbledore glasses.... god I'm an obsessive HP freak aren't I? XD

Well... bye.... .3.
Not sure where Rae of Sunshine will take this but her writing's always better than mine so... be ready for a blast of awesomeness next update~! :D