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Who Says That Dad Has to Know Everything?


Texas’s pov
I woke up to my phone ringing. I groaned into Jimmy’s bare chest and reached over to the nightstand where my phone was.

“Hello.” I yawned.

“Would you like to explain why there is a picture of you and Jimmy making out on the cover of every gossip magazine?” My dad yelled.

“What the fuck are you talking about?” I yelled back.

“There are pictures of you two making out in a book store from a couple of days ago!” He shouted.

“Could you stop yelling, Jesus Christ.” I snapped.

Jimmy’s eyes opened and he shot me a confused look. I mouthed ‘Dad’ to him and his mouth made a perfect ‘O’. I got up out of the bed as quietly as I could and pulled on my bra and a pair of Jimmy’s boxers.

“Well are you going to explain this?” He growled.

“How do you know it’s not photo shopped?” I questioned.

He hesitated, “I don’t.”

“So you just decide to call and bitch me out for something that is most likely photo shopped.” I asked.

Jimmy got up, pulled on a pair of dark skinny jeans and mouthed, “food” to me before leaving the room.

Dad sighed, “I’ve gotta go.”

He hung up without even saying goodbye or I love you. Angrily I chucked my phone at one of the walls and let it smash into pieces. I didn’t care anymore. All I wanted was to be with Jimmy and now there was a picture out of us, which meant we would have to be even more careful than before. I plopped down onto the couch and screamed into a pillow to muffle the sound.

“Tex.” Jimmy pulled me into his lap and tried to shush me.

“Shhhh, it’s okay.” He whispered, stroking my hair.

After a few minutes of crying I stopped and just clung onto him. He held me like a child and rocked me back and forth until I drifted off to sleep.


Jimmy’s pov.
I rocked Texas to sleep and just held her. It was all over TMZ and other gossip sites. The picture of us when we were in the bookstore. I would go to jail if they found out that the picture was real and if Zacky decided to press charges.

I would most likely be charged with statutory rape. It would be a criminal offence with punishments ranging from community service to the death penalty. I leave her even if I tried, I loved her too much to ever do that. She was the only girl I had ever felt a real connection to. I would do anything for us to be together, even if it meant that I had to go away for awhile.