Status: Complete

Ever Since I Met You

Only you

You moved into the house next door when we were only five. We bonded instantly. It didn’t matter that you were a boy and I was a girl. My world was just you and me climbing trees and jumping into the lake. We didn’t have a single worry. We were carefree, unafraid, and energetic. The world was ours.

You used to sing me songs that consisted of one line like “You’re my best ever friend” and you’d play odd notes on your little toy guitar. As we both grew so did your music. You got new guitars and more lyrics. By the time we were teenagers you were singing to me lines like “You’re the most beautiful girl I know, don’t let my heart go.”

We did everything together. When I came home because Tommy Reed broke my heart you were the shoulder I cried on. You made me laugh even when I didn’t want to. You were always the one person I loved more than anything in this universe, the one boy I depended on and needed.

Today I stand at your side in this white dress ready to say I do because I always knew we were meant to be together ever since I met you.