Status: On-Going

Love is More Than a Word

The Wedding Night

Walking in the suite, Amanda reddened. She’d forgotten all about the concept of having a ‘wedding night’. There were red and white rose petals in the bath and all around the circular bed. The room itself had breath-taking simplicity, but it offered no privacy. Everything was out in the open, making it convenient for new lovers, but she and this man most certainly were NOT lovers.

Aaron rolled his eyes as he passed his new bride while she gawked at the room. Walking over to the bed, he swept the flower petals onto the already covered floor before sitting on it and loosening his tie. He lazily watched Amanda stand awkwardly in the entrance as he unbuttoned a few buttons on his pressed shirt

“W-where am I going to sleep?” she asked looking at him owlishly.

‘She must be a virgin,’ he thought tiredly to himself as he kicked off his polished shoes.

“The bed. Where else?” he answered shortly.

“But, then, where are you going to sleep?” she asked still not moving from the entranceway.

Being too tired to humor her innocence, Aaron gave her a dumb look. Seeming to get what he conveyed, Amanda shook her head taking a step back. Not wanting to deal with this further, Aaron sighed and approached her. Grabbing her wrist, he pulled her semi roughly to the bed and sat her down.

“We’re big kids now. We can share the same bed. It’s not like I’m going to rape you in your sleep.” He told her, his hands still resting on either of her shoulders.

Still unsure of this man in front of her, Amanda decided she’d have to push past this set back, after all this man needed to feel her wrath. Taking a mental deep breath, Amanda closed her eyes and reopened them with determination.

“Don’t touch me.” She said coldly, pushing his hands off her bare shoulders and standing up.

“We will not be sharing a bed. I refuse to sleep with a man I have only known for a few hours. You will sleep on the floor and I will take the bed.” Amanda said firmly going towards her bags in the room and opening the one containing her clothes.

“I’m sorry, Princess, but that’s not how this works. If you don’t want to sleep with me, fine, but I’m not the one that’s sleeping on the floor.” Aaron told her crossing his arms in front of his chest, amused by her sudden tone of authority.

Amanda smiled to herself as she rummaged through her suitcase, finding her nightwear.

“I’m afraid that is how it works, dear husband. You aren’t depriving me of a good night’s sleep before our departure tomorrow morning.” She said matter-of-factly turning back to face him.

Aaron chuckled at her. “So I’m to understand that you have the audacity to deprive me of one?”

“I do. Now turn around so I can change.” She answered motioning him to turn.

Still amused by her antics, Aaron decided to play ball too, slipping his hands into his pockets watching her closely.

“By all means, don’t be bashful; I am your husband after all.”

“You being my husband doesn’t entitle you to a peep show. I still have my innocence and you aren’t going to ruin that.” She held her ground.

Aaron chuckled again as he strolled towards her, sweeping a stray strand of her hair behind her ear before leaning in.

“I believe you are mistaken. How can your innocence be ruined by your husband, when he has a right to it?” he breathed into her ear.

Amanda’s breath hitched at his proximity and her heart began to beat too fast at his words. Composing herself a little better, she steadied her breathing enough to answer him.

“Whether you are my husband or not, you are not entitled to my innocence, and trust me, if you have any ideas, I’m not afraid to fight back.”

“Mhmm, I like it rough.” He growled in her ear, his hand coming up to caress her shoulder.

Amanda immediately pushed him back.

“Refrain from touching me.” She pierced him with her eyes.

Aaron took on his signature smug grin as his own words were thrown back at him. This girl truly intrigued him. She defied him as if she had no fear. Very few people had ever crossed him. She was going to be an interesting adventure.

Amanda matched the man’s gaze, refusing to back down. She wasn’t going to let him win out against her.

“Who am I to argue?” he said casually backing away deciding to let her think she won the battle. Letting out a breath she didn’t know she was holding, Amanda bowed her head to him. Smiling broadly, Aaron walked into the small kitchen alcove to allow her to change. Making sure he couldn’t see her, Amanda changed as quickly as she could, not sure exactly how courteous her new husband was.

“I’m dressed,” she call out hanging her dress in the small rod provided before walking over to the sink and mirror, washing off all the make-up they had caked on her face earlier. Feeling a little more refreshed, Amanda turned down the comforter and sheets of the bed before climbing in.

From there she watched as Aaron walked in and made himself more comfortable, removing his jacket and taking off his cufflinks. He glanced over at her a few times, snickering to himself as he removed his dress shirt and tossed it over the nearest thing. Amanda couldn’t help taking in his well-toned muscles causing a pink tinge to come to her face. He obviously was no stranger to the gym.

Taking note of his new wife’s gaze, Aaron put on a little show. He purposely stretched, making sure to flex his muscles, before ruffling his hair and taking off his wife beater. He gave a devilish grin as he turned toward her, undoing his belt. Watching her innocent eyes grow, in either shock or embarrassment, amused him.

“Like what you see?” he asked teasingly taking the belt off and placing it with his shirt.

Amanda shook herself out of her daze and found something else to look at.

“Don’t you want to do that elsewhere?” she asked feeling the heat in her face.

Grinning a little more, Aaron began to unbutton his pants.
“Where would the fun be in that?” He asked taking enjoyment at the ease it took to fluster his newfound wife.

Amanda immediately covered her face and eyes with her hands and buried them into her knees. He couldn’t possibly be doing this. They were strangers! Did that not matter in the least to him? She was beginning to dislike her husband more and more as his true character came out.

With a chuckle at the reaction he provoked, Aaron took off his pants and briefly thought of sleeping in just his boxers, as he often did, but decided he had subjected her to enough of his tomfoolery for the night and changed into a clean wife beater and plaid sleep pants.

“You can look now, Ms. Innocence.” he called as he walked over to the sink and washing his face. He was surprised when he didn’t hear some sort of remark from her. Glancing her way, he noticed she hadn’t moved.

“I said I was dressed.” He said again louder.

Is she deaf? He questioned as he walked over to the bed.

“Hey,” he went to touch her shoulder but noticed her steady breathing.

She’s sleeping? He wondered taking a closer look and sure enough she was dreaming.

She must have been really tired… he thought sitting back away from her.

Aaron watched her sleeping form for a moment. She was still hunched over with her face in her knees. Her auburn hair was starting to lose its curl and coming out of the bobby pins that held it together. Aaron briefly wondered how soft and long it was. If he pulled a few key pins he’d know. Realizing exactly what he was doing he retraced his hand. This girl was taking away his freedoms, he couldn’t give into her charms. Because of her, there would be no more wild parties in his penthouse or on the yacht. He could no longer do what he wanted when he wanted to. She was now his obligation and he had to uphold a semi-decent image for his father. He wasn’t going to lose Bandit Entertainment, even if it killed him.