April Fools, Asshole

April Fools, Asshole

Tom smirked to himself as he closed his laptop; exiting out of a very popular website the fans had made for him and the band. “Perfect.” He murmured as the plan formulated in his mind, “It’s the perfect prank.”

For months he’d been trying to think of the perfect April Fools prank to get back at Bill with. Last year his oh so “amazing” brother had decided to sneak hair dye into his very expensive hair wax. Not only had it ruined his beloved dreads, and the wax, but it resulted in the extremely painful hairstyle his brother had chosen for him. Before he even had the chance to choose for himself. Sometimes, Bill really got under his skin. Damn control freak.

Not this year though. This year he’ll be proclaimed the “Prank King of Tokio Hotel” and, finally, he will get his sweet, sweet revenge on his little brother. “Prepare yourself, Bill. This time you’ll be the one going down in Pranked history.”

For the last three and a half months Tom had been on the search for the greatest prank to hit his brother with. Cut his hair in the middle of the night? Too childish, plus Georg is on Bill Protection Duty during the allotted Prank Week. Hide Bills favorite clothes? Nah, too lame. So many pathetic, useless plans ran through Toms mind in the past three months. All of which he deemed too childish or stupid to use on his brother; not quite good enough to use on the almighty suspicious Bill.

But today, after the direction of his partner in crime Gustav, he went online in search of ideas from the fans. To say they were devious little buggers would be an understatement. The things his fans had come with made him feel like a feeble child! Especially with some of the stories he’d read…mostly about him and his brother.

And that, is where he got his idea.


April 3, 2011: Day one of Prank Week.

“Nice fucking try!” Tom exclaimed, holding his brother in a headlock, “But clearly you’ve lost your touch.” He smirked as he gave the younger man a noogie.

“Get off me, Tom!” Bill growled, fighting to get out of his big brothers grip, “Get off!! That hurts! Oh my god…you’re messing up my hair you dick!” he proclaimed as he fought harder to get away from him, “Let me go, asshole!”

Tom laughed as he finally released his little brother, “Calm down. You’re just pissed because you failed.”

“Just you wait, asshole.” Bill grumbled before walking off.

April 4, 2011: Day two.

“Damn it!!” Georg screamed from the back of this bus, “Bill, I’m out! I’m GOING TO KILL YOU Gustav!”

Tom smirked to himself as he realized that it was now Gustav and himself vs. Bill. Bill was so going to lose this year. For the first time.

April 5, 2011: Day three.

“Gustav…beware. I’m pretty sure Georg’s helping Bill with the prank to get you out.” Tom whispered to his teammate.

“Alright…” the drummer mumbled, “I’ll be careful.”

April 6, 2011: Day Four.

“Ha! Take that, bitch!” Georg screamed as he stared at the drummer covered in feathers and maple syrup. He fell to the ground laughing as he continued staring at the, obviously, irritated drummer, “Revenge is a bitch!”

“If you pulled the prank it doesn’t count, Georg.” Tom stated, sitting on the counter, wincing as he looked at his partner.

Bill smirked as he stood in the doorway, filing his nails, “Oh, Tomi, silly Tomi. Georg didn't pull this prank. I did.” He pouted, “It was supposed to be for you though. Oh well,” he shrugged, “I guess you and I being the last ones in is okay. Means you’re losing twice as bad as usual.”

“Please. If anyones losing its you.” Gustav and Tom stated in unison, as the shorter of the two tried to stand up.

Georg laughed harder as Gustav fell back on the ground.

April 7, 2011: Final Day.

“Alright. So stay right here. You’ll catch him doing something stupid, and then you can post it all over the internet. Deal?” Bill questioned the fan seated outside the bus, video camera in hand.

She nodded excitedly, “Deal!”

He laughed as he walked back onto the bus, “I’m taking a nap!” He called out to the rest of the bus, fully intending on only pretending to sleep. Granted, he could go to sleep if he wanted, as the plan would work either way.

Fuck it, he was tired.

“Bill…wake up…wake up!” Tom stated, shaking his twin awake; trying not to smirk at his oh so wonderful prank for his obnoxious little brother.

Bill grumbled and opened his eyes, “What, asshole? Waking me up from a nap doesn’t count as a prank.”

“Prank weeks over.” He stated, pointing to the clocks he’d switched from nine pm to one am. He raised and eyebrow at his brothers perplexed expression, “Tired much?”

“Yes. Now go away.”

“No, I need to tell you something and it can't wait.”

“Tom, I swear to god, go away before I punch you.” Bill growled, staring at his brother angrily.

Tom rolled his eyes, “It’s important. Sit up.”


“Do it. Please?” he pouted.

Bill huffed as he sat up and looked at him expectantly, “Well?”

Tom sat down on the bunk across from his brother and pretended to be lost on how to explain what he wanted to say. To be honest, he’d practiced nearly a million times since he had come up with the plan. “I’m…I’m not sure how to say it…” he mumbled, sounding upset.

Bill tilted his head, “Just say it. Whatever it is.” He’d always had a weak spot for his big brother, and seeing him upset always made him feel bad. Especially if he thought he were at fault.

Tom definitely knew this.

“I…Don't get mad?” he questioned, looking up at the younger man, fake tears caused by eye drops welling up in his eyes.

“Of course not…” Bill whispered.

The fan that sat outside of the bus kept the camera focused on them the whole time, “This will be great… I can feel it.” She murmured to herself.

“Bill…” Tom reached for his hands gently, and rubbed his thumb against Bills palm, “I’m in love with you.” He whispered, trying to keep a straight, sad face.

Bills eyes widened, “Tom…I…” suddenly, his eyes flashed to the window as he remembered the girl that sat out there. The window was still open a smidge, and she was most definitely still there, “Fuck!” He exclaimed standing up.

Tom looked at him confused.

“Tom…” he looked between the window and his brother, conflicted on which to deal; with the situation with his brother, or the girl who had heard everything his brother had just told him. “Fuck!”

Tom suddenly burst out laughing, no longer able to contain himself, “April fools!”

“It’s not prank week anymore!” Bill screamed, momentarily forgetting about the girl in the window.

“I set all the clocks forward.”

Bill stared at his brother as the rage filled him, “WHAT?!” he yelled, “YOU FUCKING CHEATER!”

“There’s no rules against setting the clocks back so you won't think I’m pranking you.” Tom smirked as his brother only got angrier, and angrier.

Suddenly all the rage left him as he stared at Tom with wide eyes, forgetting that he had lost the Prank Week, “Oh my god…” he muttered as he looked at the window to see that the girl was now gone, “Oh my god…”

“Yeah. I know, I finally won.”

“No, you idiot!” Bill screamed, “A fan…a fan…she…my prank…my prank just backfired on me. Because of you!”

“What are you talking about?”

Bill glared at him, “Idiot! I had a fan sit at the window with a video camera! She…” he sighed as he closed his eyes, “She was still there during your stupid prank!”

“…well, fuck.”

One week later:

“It appears that the twincest rumours are true. Thanks to a video from an anonymous source, we have evidence that the twins are in love with each other. Congratulations fans of the incestual relationship, and well, deal, incest haters.”

Tom glared at the newcasters, “Can't we just say ‘April Fools! We got you!’” he questioned, David.

“You wish.”

“So do you!” Bill screamed, “I’m straight! I don't want people thinking I’m fucking Tom! He’s gross!”

“You're gross!”

“Fuck you!”

“Apparently you already are!”


“Shut. Up!” Georg yelled, “It’ll all go away eventually.”

“Thanks for jinxing it, douchebag.” The twins murmured hopelessly, knowing the fans would never give up believing that the twins are actually a couple.

“You’re fucked.” Gustav stated, drinking from his juicebox on the couch.

“No shit, Sherlock.” The other three replied, falling against the wall and sighing.

“This is Toms fault…”

“No, it’s Bills.”

“Shut up.” David told them, “Just get back to work.” He grumbled, mumbling under his breath, “I work with a bunch of little kids. I swear.”
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