Status: Awesomely Active.

Femme Fatale: A Hogwarts Romance

The Last of the American Girls

Skyler and Lauren Knight sat in the Headmistress's office. Skyler had a smug smirk on her face the entire time. The twins were just caught using a controlled substance, in other words, magically altered marijuana. Lauren, the sneaky, funny, brown haired, blue eyed twin, enjoyed smoking with her sister, but was devastated that they got caught. The overly-emotional teenager let a few tears escape her bright blue eyes. Skyler, the spunky, dark haired, green eyed twin, turned to her sister and wiped away the tears.

The office door swung open and a woman with cat-like features stormed in. Her name was Leona Prentis. Leona was the Headmistress at Poe's School for the Magically Talented. She had a hard gaze on the two young women.

“Well hello Leona,” Skyler greeted the woman like they were long term friends.

“That's Mrs. Prentis to you young lady. Now, do you two know why we are here?”

“So you can see our pretty faces?” Lauren smiled. Headmistress Prentis scowled at Lauren.

“Lauren, you know that's not why,” Skyler began seriously, “It's so she share some of our hash with us!”

“Skyler!” Lauren snorted, laughing.

“That's enough, you two are being expelled from this establishment,” Leona said sternly.

“Ooh, big whoop,” Skyler said.

“The teachers have found you two, mostly you Skyler, have been extremely disrespectful to not only faculty but students. Skyler, you have sent at least 5 people to the Hospital Wing in the last month with horrible hexes. With that, you two are simply expelled. Your bags are already packed and you will leave now,” Leona barked, pointing towards the fire place.

“Peace out Bitches!” Skyler cackled as they both were swallowed by green flames.

When the two sisters got home, their father was waiting with angry an expression adorned on their faces.

“Hey Daddy,” Skyler smiled waltzing towards her father. Nathaniel, Skyler and Lauren's father, flexed his jaw and folded his extremely muscular arms over his chest. Skyler slowed to a stop and looked up at him with big, sad looking, green eyes.

Without a second thought, Nathaniel pulled out his wand and bellowed, “Crucio!”

Skyler fell to the floor, screaming on the way down. She writhed in pain as her father kept his wand pointed at the oldest of the twins. Lauren stood in pure shock and stared at her sister.

“Now you know how all those students felt with your homemade hexes!”

“Papa Stop!” Lauren screamed when blood began to trickle from Skyler's nose. Nathaniel snapped out of his unusual and frightening daze and looked down at his daughter. Guilt plagued his being instantly and crouched down to help Skyler up.

Skyler's eyes widened and she pushed herself away from her father with all her might. She pushed her way towards Lauren, who crouched down and held onto her sister, wiping the blood from her nose.
The twins stared up at Nathaniel with horror in their eyes. He stared at them, his breathing heavier than it usually was.

Just then, Rebecca, their mother, walked into the room. The blond haired, Green eyed woman gasped as she saw her daughters cowering in fear. She dropped to her knees and pulled out her wand. With a quick flick of the skinny wooden object, Skyler's face was clean.

“Skyler, I-I'm so sorry,” Nathaniel apologized crouching down to his twin daughters and wife. Skyler wiggled away from Nathaniel and his warm touch on her head.

Skyler got up and wiped her nose again. Fear still in her eyes as she looked at her parents saying, “What are we going to do now?”

“What do you mean?” Nathaniel asked, taken aback by his daughter's sudden mood swing.

“Where are we going to school now?” Lauren asked for her twin.

“Well, we have already set it up. You two are going to Hogwarts, it's somewhere in England,” Rebecca replied.

“Well that was fast,” Lauren laughed.

“Ah, the magic of magic,” Skyler smirked.

“You two are starting bright and early tomorrow morning,” at that, the twins scoffed, “Don't think we're not angry with you, because we are. You two, bed, now. No dinner.”

Skyler and Lauren slumped up the stairs to their shared room. Once Lauren shut the door, Skyler hugged her and walked over to her closet where she changed into a pair of flannel pants and a black tank top. Lauren furrowed her eyebrows as she saw her sister grab her Walkman and saunter over to her bed like nothing had happened.

“Sky,” Lauren said so quietly, she was surprised Skyler heard her.

“Yeah, Laurie?”

“Are you okay?”

“Yeah I guess,” Skyler shrugged.

“Sky, I'm scared,” Lauren confessed. Skyler looked up at her sister and patted the clear spot on her bed. Without second thought, Lauren crawled onto her sister's purple twin-sized bed.

Skyler leaned over and pulled a small tin of frosting out from under her bed. Two spoons followed and the sisters began eating away the wonderful topping. The two young women groaned once they reached the bottom of the tin.

“Look on the bright side, there are tons of hot British guys there,” Skyler smiled, stowing the empty frosting tin and spoons back under her bed.

“That made me about ten times happier,” Lauren smiled, snuggling up to her sister.

“Good,” Skyler replied, wrapping an arm around her sister.

The two quickly fell asleep after fantasizing about all the British guys there. Skyler enjoyed sleeping. It was one place she could go away and be free. Lauren, however, hated sleeping for one reason and one reason only. Nightmares. Just one nightmare to be exact. The same nightmare had been constantly invading Lauren's mind since she was 13-years-old.

The nightmares consisted of a blinding green light and an unknown, red-headed boy dead on the floor. She could tell that he was laughing before he died. In both the Nightmare and in real life, Lauren would start begging for him to Wake up. There was no particular name for this boy, but it seemed too real for it to be just a nightmare.


“Rise and shine early birds,” Rebecca sang as she flipped the lights on and pulled the blanket off of the sleeping figures.

“Get the fuck out of my gums,” Skyler mumbled in her sleep.

“Your grandmother was a ho,” Lauren said in her sleep.

“What the hell are you two listening to?” Rebecca laughed. When the sisters wouldn't wake up, Rebecca plucked her wand from her pocket and flicked it. A bucket of water appeared and dumped itself onto the twins.

“What the f-” Lauren began

“Holy Hell!” Skyler screamed.

“Good morning sleepyheads! Get ready to go to Hogwarts,” Rebecca chirped clapping her hands together.

“Fine,” Skyler groaned.

“What's with mom?” Lauren asked getting out of bed.

Skyler shrugged and pulled her tank top off and putting on a simple band shirt. Then she pulled on a pair of acid-washed, ripped skinny jeans. Skyler loved those jeans because they hugged her frame perfectly and emphasized her rather large derriere. A pair of Chuck Taylors followed the jeans and onto Skyler's feet.

Lauren stripped out of her pajamas and into a simple little blue sundress. A pair of golden sandals were slipped onto her feet as she put her hair in a loose but elegant braid that hung over her shoulder. Her make up was done perfectly, her now bold red lips bordered a pair of beautiful white teeth. Her eyes were barely rimmed with dark eyeliner, and her cheeks had just a hint of blush. Lauren could make a veela look like a big fat slobbering pig.

When the two finished getting ready, they bounced down the stairs. Rebecca and Nathaniel were holding their cats, Slink and Romy. Slink was Lauren's Sphinx cat and Romy was Skyler's black kitten.

“Goodbye dear parents!” Skyler exclaimed.

“We'll see you in two weeks!” Lauren joked.

“We better not,” Nathaniel said sternly. Skyler smiled and kissed her mother on the cheek.

Lauren hugged her mom and kissed her cheeks. Skyler walked over to her father and hugged his torso.

“I'm sorry,” Nathaniel whispered.

“It's all good pops. I love you,” Skyler replied kissing his cheek.

The sisters stepped into their fireplace. Skyler grabbed a handful of floo powder and held it in front of them.

The sisters bellowed in unison, “Albus Dumbledore's office.”

Green flames engulfed the two and they were soon spit out onto an office floor. Skyler coughed as the smoke billowed away from Lauren and her. When they looked up, an elderly man with a crooked nose and half-moon spectacles smiled down at them.

“Welcome to Hogwarts. I'm Albus Dumbledore, Headmaster. Please follow me to the Great Hall where you can be sorted.”

Skyler and Lauren both fell in love with the old man. He reminded them of their grandfather, Rocco. They Dumbledore down many flights of stairs and many different hallways. Finally they made it to the Great Hall.

The second Dumbledore entered, the Great Hall fell silent. Skyler and Lauren took the opportunity to do something stupid. The two of them lit off sparklers and cartwheeled down the hall, following a laughing Dumbledore. Once they reached the front, Skyler and Lauren threw their hands in the air and bumped hips with one another.

The school was silent for a moment, when all of a sudden, two red-headed boys stood up and began clapping. Soon, the whole school erupted into cheers and applause. The girls curtsied and looked up at Dumbledore.

“All right, All right settle down now. As you can see, we have two new students here today. So, as usual, we'll start with Sorting these fine ladies.”

Minerva McGonagall stood up and read, “Knight, Lauren.”

Skyler gave Lauren's hand a reassuring squeeze and Lauren walked up to the stool and sat down. The Sorting Hat was placed on her head.

“Hmmm, Let's see here,” The Hat said in her ear.

“Brave, Cunning, Honest, Kind,” The hat listed, “You're perfect for, GRYFFINDOR!”

The Griffyndor table erupted in applause once more as Lauren made her way over to the table.

“Knight, Skyler,” Minerva bellowed.

Skyler walked to the stool and sat down. The hat was placed on her head.

The Hat did not speak to her but quickly yelled out, “SLYTHINDOR!”

The school gasped. That was the first time The Sorting Hat ever messed up.

“Um,” Skyler said, she knew something wasn't right.

“Well okay then!” Dumbledore said clapping his hands together. He created a small little table with a snake wrapped around a lion protectively.

Skyler sat down and smiled. She got her own house.

Meanwhile, Lauren sat next to the two red-headed boys. She smiled when she realized they were twins too. One of them stuck their hands out and kissed the back of her hand.

“Fred Weasley,” He introduced.

“And I'm George, the better looking twin,” George smiled.

“We're identical you twit.”

“No you're not, George has a little scar on his chin,” Lauren stated.

“Blimey, You're from America aren't you?” the one named Fred asked.

“Yes, yes I am. So is my twin sister, Skyler. Yo Sky!” Lauren yelled.

“I'm comin',” Skyler said leaping over to her sister.

“Meet my new buddies, Fred and George Weasley,” Lauren smiled.

Skyler smiled as George held out his hand.

“In America, we don't shake hands, we're teenagers. Shaking hands is for old guys. We hug,” Skyler smiled hugging George, then Fred.

“So tell us your story. How did two Americans make it all the way to Hogwarts?”

“That's a secret,” Skyler smiled, taking a carrot from George's plate.

The Weasley Twins quickly fell in love with the Knight Twins. This was going to be a good year at Hogwarts.

"She puts her makeup on like graffiti on the walls of the heartland
She's got her little book of conspiracies right in her hand
She is paranoid like endangered species headed into extinction
She is one of a kind, well, she's the last of the American girls

She wears her overcoat for the coming of the nuclear winter
She is riding her bike like a fugitive of critical mass
She's on a hunger strike for the ones who won't make it for dinner
She makes enough to survive for a holiday of the working class

She's a runaway of the establishment incorporated
She won't cooperate, well, she's the last of the American girls..."
♠ ♠ ♠
Please enjoy this wonderful tale!

Skyler's Outfit:

Lauren's outfit:

Chapter title credit goes to Greenday(: