Status: In progress (:

Every Musician's Fan After the Curtain Goes Down


I had everything down about the new me. I was no longer going to let myself be the star no one could see.
From the way I walked.

To the way I talked.

To the way I dressed.

To the way I put my hair.

Everything about me was made ultimatley sexy. I wanted the boys to want me and the girls to wish they were me. I wanted everything to go my way for a change. I hadn't lost my mind. Not yet. Even in the dullest of moments of my childhood I'd never felt my brain go crazy like this. The perfect plan.

I was finally out of a college and ready to stop pleasing my dad. His grip finally loose as I ran around my brand new apartment. The smell of emptiness started my trans formation into a bombshell. A sex bombshell. I was becoming an image that had only popped up in my mind oh only a few million times. A new me with a new attitude. All I needed was love and this seemed to be the only way to get it.

After I transformed and hit up a few concerts and bars, I realized it was working. By the second week I'd lost my virginity. It was hard to get used to at first, but everyone know it gets to feeling oh so good. I was a smart girl though. Never without protection and I had my limits. One day, I realized, the one man who could break all the rules he wanted and I'd let him. But was I planning on settling down? Hell no.