The Two Leaves

The Two Leaves

Once upon a dark, eerie season there was a lonely leaf not quite ready to fall out of the branch. It was the last of its kind to leave into the autumn air and into the bottom of the forest floor in which all went.

It was afraid to fall, alone, and without any support. It saw each and every one of the others fall and be caught by the rest. It had seen how they went in pairs always vanishing into the fog but always certain to fall around the same place as to not be scared.

Then, came an oddity. In a push of the frosty wind, the leaf found itself tangled up with another branch. Every other leaf had left that branch as well except for one particularly green one. It said to not worry, all leaves fall and all leaves become the same in the end. Support is always there when it is needed. Hope is just around the corner to those who seek it.

Needless to say, the leaf decided this leaf was the leaf to fall with. And so they both fell together in the last gust of the autumn weather, they fell and fell till the fog enveloped them in its tepid hands to carry them to the unknown. All unknown except for each other.