Stuck Here

Chapter 1

Do you believe in stuck souls? You might know them as ghosts and gruesome ghouls. I know I didn’t believe in them at all, they seemed like little kid stories. Just silly stories, legends, and myths to scare kids into behaving well or not going near something “cursed”.
That was way before I got to see my first ghost. Who am I? Well I’m someone that is here to open your eyes into the mysteries of the afterlife, at least what happens if you’re stuck.
I saw my first ghost when I was just 13, the “bad luck” number. For me that was my good luck although I didn’t see it right away. It was the summer of 2004 and I was pretty much just any other guy in the block who was just moving in.
“Sam! Have you chosen your room yet?” My dad asked from the downstairs, ever since Mom died he was the one who cooked, cleaned, worked, and took care of us. I guess it must have been bad since I had older twin sisters and two little others….others as in other problems called Rose and Katie. Katie was in the fourth grade and Rose in the fifth. The twins were both 16 know-it-alls that liked bothering me just about everything.
“Not yet!” I said, I was barely going to look at the first room.
“Move out of our way,” Said Kara, one of the twins.
“What about your manners? You said you’d be nicer to me.” I complained peeking into the room, more of a closet than a room.
“Oh, my bad I must have forgotten.” She said too kind to my liking as she also peeked into the closet-room. “Ugh, you can have this ONE.” She had pushed me into the closet-room and closing slamming the door.
“What’s going on up there?!” Dad asked from downstairs, he probably had heard Kara push me into the closet-room. It could’ve been her yelling though, the world may never know what my evil sister did.
“Nothing, Little Sam is just excited on finding his new room!” Said Kara as I heard light footsteps coming up the stairs in front of the very small room I was now condemned to. (If you’re thinking that I wasn’t smart enough to open the door you are very wrong, it was stuck and this whole time I was pushing the door.)
“What room did he pick?” Asked a small voice I recognized as Katie’s. “’Cause I called the one in the far end of the hall on this side.” Katie said, she had been the first one out of the car and she had gotten the extra key from Dad. Now I knew why she wanted to get in the mysterious house first. Dad had come looking for houses a lone.
“Don’t worry Katie; he volunteered to get this room right behind me.” Said Kara, bragging about her new accomplishment.
“I thought that was the bathroom not a bedroom,” Katie said. “Why would Sam want to live in a bathroom?”
“That isn’t the bathroom; it’s just the walk-in closet next door. The one that’s locked and nailed,” Kara said. “You know that room that no body can open…..the one the paper said that had the walk-in closet.” She was getting impatient now that probably Katie had no clue what she was talking about.
Right then, I gave up on the banging, pushing, and trying to escape my walk-in-closet-cell. I turned around to explore. There was a small square window, a broken mirror, some hangers and clothes. I turned on the hanging light to see what I had missed.
Almost nothing, a blanket, plates, silverware, a girl, and a game of checkers. WAIT A MINUTE, A GIRL!
The girl is in a very small, now, room where I was imprisoned to spend my days until we moved again. This was my first move so don’t start saying “Oh don’t worry in a couple of years you’ll be out of there.”
This girl, I swear, hadn’t been there a minute ago. True a minute ago I was banging and barging at the door but you know what I mean. THE GIRL HAD JUST APPEARED!
“W-w-w-who are you?” I managed to stutter.
“What are you, should be the question, an owl perhaps?” The girl said as I thought I heard a small ringing when she talked. The room also got colder like someone had just turned on the air conditioner and now there was a very light omnipresent breeze all around the small prison.
“W-w-who are YOU!” I struggled, but this time I stuttered because of the cold in the room not because of….fear I guess that was the feeling.
“There you go again, are you a bird watcher by any chance?” The girl asked not answering my question.
“I’m no b-b-bird watcher. WHO ARE YOU!?” I yelled with all the frozen energy I had. I now could see my own breath white and cold. My skin was also turning paler yet the girl stood there with shorts and a thin, long sleeve shirt not to mention that she had no shoes on.
“Then why are you talking like that…..don’t tell me you’re cold.” She said getting closer to me, I backed away.
“Yes I’m cold, aren’t you? Can you just tell me who in the world you are?!” I pleaded but it was too late, she was gone. Right then and there I collapsed into the wooden floor boards.
* * * * * * * *
“Sam, are you okay? Sam?” I heard my Dad’s voice in the distance. I slowly opened my eyes to find myself in the diner table, not exactly where it should be.
“Where am I?” I asked hoarsely of course I had already figured it out but the question came automatically.
“You’re in the living room. You gave us some obstacle you know, first we were unpacking then I heard a thump above,” Dad said explaining what had happened, I realized that my head was aching. “Then I had gone upstairs and found that Kara had locked you in that room. When I opened the door we found you in the floor, what happened?”
“I dunno, I guess….I just…..I ….. I fell.” I wasn’t really satisfied with my choice of words but then again I couldn’t think of anything else to say and I wasn’t going for being the family loon today.
“Are you claustrophobic by any chance?” My dad said, he never knew anything about us in depth. That could sometimes be great……or the worst thing in the world. Right now it was perfect since I was known to faint in small places, only Mom knew that.
“No, I actually like being in small places,” I started saying as I leapt of the table and found my way (tripping and zigzagging everywhere) to the stairs. “I’ll be in my room; can I have the boxes up?”
“Sam, we have an extra room you know. Do you want it instead?” Dad asked before I opened the door to my room which looked over the living room.
“I thought that the ‘extra-room’ (we already knew that) was locked and nailed shut.” I said looking at the nails of the door that were visible from where I stood.
“We’ll find a way to open it, you don’t have to sleep in that room
you know.” My Dad said pulling me back to him.
“No really, I’ll sleep in the ‘extra-room’” I said, I had to see that girl again.
“Alright, do you need help with your boxes?” He offered, behind him, though, Katie and Rose were unpacking the box that was labeled carefully “MOTHER’S DAY”. Enough said on what my feelings were to see all those mother’s day things.
“Dad, turn around and see what your Mr. Magoos did!” Kara and Tara said at the same time. They were pointing at Katie and Susie.
“GIRLS!” Dad boomed throughout the room. “WHAT IS YOUR PROBLEM?!” He yelled at them, Rose broke into tears.
“Sorrrry” Whimpered Rose, Katie just sat there staring at everyone’s faces. She gave me a nod that was what Mom did to tell me to go or yes. I gave her a nod back, wondering how she knew Mom and my connection. Then I ran out of the room, up the stairs and into my room. I could still hear Rose crying and begging for Dad’s pardon, and then I heard the twins’ evil laughs.