Sequel: The Hell I Survived
Status: Finishedd !

In Love With a Thug

What Dha Hell.!

~Dezharae's P.O.V.~

"Ayye boss!!I think she awakee...."somonee yelled.I opened my eyesz n saw somonee ihn all black."Hello Dezharae...."dha man said."Y am ii heree??"ii said tryin tew stay calm."Ur brother owesz meh somee moneyy.""Wat!!No he dnt!!He dont owee NOBODYY money.U must got meh twisted or sum sh*t."i yelled."LIL GUHH....!!DNT EVA N II MEAN EVA RAISE YO MUTHA F*CKIN VOICEE AHT MEH AGAIN!!"he roared.I jst sat ther not evn sayin nothin no mo cusz ii aint want hisz spit tew go ohn meh again."Asz ii wasz sayin,,...yo p*ssy azz bro owee meh 50 grandd."I jst stared aht hym ihn shock n said,"Isz u fo reall ritee noww??""Naww!!I jst got u tied uhp fo nothin...DUH im fo reall!!"Out dha corner of my eye ii saw ah figure aproachin us.Tew my surprisee ii saw.........JAY'ARE.'Now wtf isz dhisz n*gga doin here??'ii asked mahself."Jay'Are??""Oh sh*t!!Dhisz Tre'Vontae's lil sis??""Yupp u know ha,,Jay??"

~Jay'Are's P.O.V.~

Asz soon asz i walked ihn ii saw mah boss/dad,Trell short fo La'Trell."Yea dhisz h*e f*cked meh ohn our first date..."Dezharae looked aht meh wit tearsz ihn ha eyesz bhutt did iht luk likee ii gavee ah f*ck??H*LL NO!!!!!"Excuse meh bhutt ii aint no f*ckin h*e!!"she exclaimedd."Um last tymee ii checkedd ah h*e wasz ah person who alwaysz sleepin around and apparently u dha onee who f*cked meh ohn dha first datee,b*tch azz h*e."She started cryin bhutt ii aint pay no attention tew ha onee bit.Heyy ima thug n if u dnt lik iht,then f*ck off. ~Dezharae's P.O.V.~ I cnt believe dhisz n*gga did meh likee dhat!!I thought he mitee actuallii likee meh tew.....Once i get outa here,,im kilin dhat b*tch n hisz boss tew.

~Tre'Vontae's P.O.V.~

I cnt believ La'Trell took ha.I mean lik d*mn!!I bet hisz son had somthin tew do with it.Uqqqqhh.....Eva since our dad died,,nothin hasz been dha samee.He died ihn ah run-ihn so ii had tew takee ova hisz empiree or else me,D,n momma wud be screwed."Babee,,dnt worry...."Shanicya said."How dha h*ll can i not worry Sha?!Mah lil sis jst got kidnapped n only God knowsz wher she aht."i yelled out of frustration.

~Shanicya's P.O.V.~

I hopee Tre findsz Rae quick,cusz dhat lil guhh wasz likee ah mini version of meh.N plus i wanna tell hym dhat im 5 weeksz pregosz.Mrz.Jones isz ihn ha room cryin ha eyesz out.Rae'sz fwendsz Ja'Tia and Zonniquee ova here tryin tew help usz find Rae.

~Dezharae's P.O.V.~

Im still ihn dhisz warehouse or wateva still tied uhp.Mah wristsz are ackin n ii jst wish ii could go homee n pretend dhat thisz wasz jst ah dream.But,itsz not......"Rahh Rahh,,likee ah dungeon dragon......."mah cellphone played.I quickly answered iht tew dha best of mah ability considerin dha fact dhat i wasz tied uhp."Hello.........."ii answered."OMG!!Rae ihtsz meh Ja'Tia!!Wher r youu??......."she said startin tew sound likee she wasz cryin."Calm dwn!!Tell Tre'Vontae to track mah fone n he'll know wher ii am,,ok?!""Ok......."she said now startin tew calm dwn."Oh n guess wat??............Jay'Are isz here n dha n*gga wnt evn help meh!!"Dha call quickly ended n ii saw onee of Trell'sz bodyguardsz lookin aht meh,,eyesz full of LUST."If u giv meh a bj,,ii wnt tell Boss bout wat u jst did.........."he said eagerly."First u gotta untie meh n den ill giv u onee ok??"ii said with a wink.He untied meh n ii started tew suck hym.Afta a coupl of secondsz he wasz moanin n den ii bit hym."Ouchh!!!!!!!!U lil b*tch.......Ima get yo azz!!"he roared.I quickly kicked hym ihn dha ballsz n he fell.I saw ah gun ihn hisz pocket,,took iht,, n shot hym ihn dha head three tymesz."Dhatsz wat u ghett u p*ssy.........."i said whil lookin back aht dha dead corpse.

~Tre'Vontae's P.O.V.~

"Ok yall,,letsz go get D......"We loaded all dha gunsz ihn dha black escalade n rode out tew get mah sis.

~45 Minutesz Lata~

"Ok yall,wehn ii giv dha signal we gone bust ihn ohn dem n*ggsz n we gettin Rae....."Dey nodded,bhutt befo ii could giv dha signal,,everythanqq went black.A few minutesz lata ii saw Trell and hisz p*ssy azz son and my wifeyy fo lifee,,Shanicya."Sha..."i cried out ihn pain."Babee dnt worry,,we'll get outaa here soona or lata..."I noticed that she had blood runnin out ha mouth and all ii could think of wasz,'Wehn ii escapee somebodyy gonee be 6 feet unda.'

~Zonniquee's P.O.V.~

OMG!!If we dnt find Rae,,im finna jump somebodyy.Meh and Ja'Tia been lookin fo dhisz guhh fo bout an hour and we still havent found ha."DEZHARAE!!!!!!!!"ii yelled out ihn agony."Zo,,isz dhat youu??"Asz soon asz she said dhat,Tia went runnin ova tew ha and said,"I missed youu guysz so f*ckin much."she said whil huqqin meh tew."Wher Sha and Vontae??""Oh sh*t idk wher deyy aht ii think deyy got caught..."ii said."Damn!!Ok yall follow meh i think ii know wher deyy aht!!"Rae exclaimed.

~Dezharae's P.O.V.~

We ran fo about five minutesz until we heard,"U b*tch!!Get ha Jay!!"We rushed in and saw Shanicya holdin ah gun n pointin iht aht Trell and Jay'Are."Ayye yall got ah gun ohn yall??"ii asked Tia and Zo."Ja'Tia passed meh one and said,"Here guhh..."I took iht and fired ah shot aht dha ceilin."Wtf!!How did dhisz wh*re escape?!"Jay'Are said with anger.He tried to lunq aht meh,bhutt Zo tripped hym.I shot hym ihn hisz arm and untied Tre'Vontae while he wasz down."D*mn sis,,ii aint kno u had ihn ihn youu..."he said whil givin meh a hugee bear huqq."D*mn,,bruhh u chokin mehh..."ii said wit ah smilee.We den got Sha n did wat we did best.Ran...lolxz.We got tew Vontae's escalade and befo we rodee off we heard,"Imma get u and yo sexcciiiiii azz sista Tre'Vontae..."La'Trell yelled.Keep ihn mind dhat La'Trell wasz ah 34 year ol' druqq deala who wasz still ihn shape n had h*esz runnin' ihn n outta hisz trap housee,so we knew he meant wat he said.