The Twelfth Doctor

Very Short Opening Chapter

The Doctor managed to get to the Tardis, he had been shot by a Sontaran and the last thing he wanted was for the Sontarans to get their hands on the Tardis. The Sontarans were bred for war, and getting their hands on the Tardis meant they could travel anywhere, it would only be worst if the Daleks got their hands, ok maybe not hands because well Daleks don’t have hands but you get the meaning, on the Tardis.

It was only Time Lords that were meant to have the technology to travel through time and space, and the Doctor may be the last one so it was up to him to protect the secret, he couldn’t let anyone get the Tardis. He knew that he was either going to die or regenerate, either way he needed to make sure the Tardis was away from the Sontarans.

He set the controls for planet earth, he needed to get back to Amy and Rory, and he needed to explain to them what had happened.

Amy ran across the lawn as she saw the Tardis. She had missed the Doctor but her brow creased with worry as the Doctor fell out the Tardis, his white shirt covered in blood.

“Doctor let me phone an Ambulance,” Amy said as the Doctor fell to the ground, she looked back towards the house to shout for Rory.

“It’s too late Amy, you need to stand back I’m going to change,” The Doctor said watching as the gold light of regeneration began to surround him.

“Doctor what’s happening,” Amy exclaimed watching in awe as the light surrounded the Doctor. She gasped as the bright light filled the garden and the Doctor seemed to explode.
Afterwards Amy looked at the Doctor open mouthed. He had explained the regeneration process to her before so she wasn’t greatly shocked, what she was shocked was what the Doctor now looked like.

“What is it?” The Doctor said looking at Amy with a shocked face, “Am I ginger this time?”

“Well you certainly say you’re a red head,” Amy almost giggled as the Doctor pulled the pillar box red strands down in front of his eyes. He gasped as he saw how bright his hair was and thought he should really be careful of what he wishes for, before he passed out.
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Lol new story, this is just done for laughs and because I really want Gerard to be the next Doctor.