The Twelfth Doctor

Chapter Three

Chapter Three.
Frank Iero sat in the small coffee shop, a steaming cup of plan black coffee in his hands. He looked out the window watching the world go by; he had been in England for a little over six months now, wanting to get away from the dangerous streets of New Jersey.

What better place would they be then a sleepy market town in England. Life had been on the boring side for Frank. He worked in a small independent music store, where little old ladies came in and asked for CDs by Daniel O'Donnell, but boring was good. The most exciting thing that happened was when Mrs Tucker had her garden shed broke into. According to gossip she had her lawn mower stolen.

Frank didn’t mind this life was safe. He could sit in the little music shop selling Daniel O'Donnell CDs and the manager didn’t even mind him playing his guitar.

He smiled; it was his day off so he planned on a walk before maybe stopping at the local pub for a pint. He looked back out the window and raised his eyebrow at the red head man walking this way. It wouldn’t be a shocking sight in New Jersey but in this small village you just didn’t see men with fire engine red hair.

As he watched he couldn’t help but find the man attractive, there was just something about him.

“Give me coffee,” The man said all but falling into the shop. He said it with the same desperation of a drug addict after his next fix.

“Make it black, yeah that sounds good,” The man said at Shelly who walked behind the counter. Shelly understandably looked a little shocked. You just didn’t get men with bright red hair demanding coffee in sleepy English market towns.

Frank watched as the man gulped the coffee back “Another, umm and one of those,” He said pointing at a scone.

The man took a bite out the scone before pulling a face “No, no I don’t like those, used to but not anymore, coffee is good though. Strange I always used to like tea, never thought much of coffee. Never know what I’m going to like next,”

Frank sat watching thinking the man was quite possible mad. That was another thing you just didn’t get in sleepy English market towns was mad men. Certainly not attractive mad men with bright red hair.

Frank smiled as the man looked over at him; the man gave him a strange lop- sided smile.
“Like I was saying you never know what or who I might like next,” He said before walking over to Frank. “And you are?”

“I’m Frank, Frank Iero,” Frank said.

“Well Frankie you can call me the Doctor,”
♠ ♠ ♠
So the third chapter. I hope you enjoyed it, as much as I like writting this.