The Twelfth Doctor

Chapter Four

Rory looked worried as they sat at the kitchen table. He couldn’t believe that, that man was the Doctor. Ok the Doctor was always a bit eccentric but well now he was a different sort of eccentric.

“Should we really let him go out on his own, he could get in trouble,” Rory asked Amy. Amy for her part didn’t look to upset.

“Rory he’s the Doctor, he’s fought aliens wanting to destroy the earth, I don’t think he’s in any danger,” Amy smiled. Since she had been friends with the Doctor she had seen things she couldn’t even have dreamed about. Well ok she knew the Doctor for most of her life, but for years she thought it was all some crazy figment of a child’s imagination. After all she used to reason strange men didn’t turn up in a police box in your back garden, and certainly not police boxes that said man claimed to have a swimming pool inside.

Now though she had learnt that having a rational mind had no place in the real world or worlds as the case now seemed to be, because as the Doctor said monsters were real.

“Amy the Doctor always gets in trouble, maybe we should find him,” Rory pleaded.

“Ok we will go and find him,” Amy sighed grabbing her coat and walking to the door.
As it happened neither Amy nor Rory had to search to long for the Doctor. They found him sitting in the garden chatting to a short tattooed man. If it wasn’t for the tattoos the man would look a lot younger, his face was elfish and his dark was just touching his shoulder, and he had boyish smile.

The Doctor was laughing with him, talking like they had been friends for ever, and if Amy wasn’t mistaken the Doctor was flirting with him. Ok that was new, but then the Doctor said things changed about him when he regenerated.

“Oh Amy, Rory meet Frankie, isn’t he cute,” The Doctor smiled getting a giggle out of Frank.

Amy and Rory both smiled at Frank, “It’s good to meet you Frankie,”

“You never guess what; Frankie here doesn’t believe I’m a Time Lord from the planet Gallifrey, and worst of all he doesn’t believe I travel through time and space. He thinks I’m a fibber,” The Doctor laughed.

“Oh it’s true,” Rory piped up.

“What? Come on stop pulling my leg,” Frank laughed harder, he had stopped believing in aliens about the same time he stopped believing in Father Christmas. The worst part of it was the red haired man seemed to believe in his own fantastic tale, just his luck Frank thought, the one man he fancied in ages and he had to be crazy.

“Maybe I should show him the Tardis,” The Doctor mused, because really he wanted Frank to believe him, maybe even travel with him. Yeah he would like that. After all Rory and Amy wanted to settle down and start a family, the dangers of time and space were no place for babies.

“What on earth is a Tardis?” Frank said looking at The Doctor.

“Oh the Tardis is my space ship, it’s a type forty don’t you know, and Tadis stands for Time and relative dimension in space, and you will believe me when you see it,” The Doctor said pulling Frank up and dragging him to the bottom of the garden where the Tardis stood.

“Umm that’s a police box, they used to be used by the police in I don’t know the 1960s, something like that. It’s a cool idea for a garden shed but your trying to tell me it a space ship,” Frank said shaking his head, thinking that really the joke was going too far now.

“It’s not only a space ship it also travels through time,” The Doctor said proudly.

“It’s a police box,” Frank said slowly as if he was talking to a child.

“Don’t believe me well look inside,”
♠ ♠ ♠
Oh cliff hanger bwhahaha.