How Did It Come to This?


I may be gone, but I’ll never be forgotten. You did this to me, to my family, to my friends. You brought this upon yourself, and I hope that you forever live with the guilt and horrors of what should be bestowed upon you. You could have had everything. You could have had me, but your sick and twisted mind couldn’t wait to ruin me. Well guess what, stupid? It ruined you, too.

“Leland J. Parker,” The judge said. “To the stand.”

“Do you wish to tell the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth, so help you God?”

“I do.” he answered.

The attorney stood up and walked slowly to the front of the court room. “You and Ms. Thorpe dated, am I correct?”


“And how long were you together?” He asked.

“Eight months.” Leland answered.

“Were you two sexually active at that time?”

Leland’s eyes darted away from the man’s. “No.”

“No? You two were together for eight months, but didn’t have sex?” He asked. “That seems a little unrealistic, doesn’t it?”

“She didn’t want to have sex.” He answered, simply. “She said she wasn’t ready.”

“But she was pregnant at the time of her disappearance, correct?”

Leland nodded.

“How far along was she, exactly?”

He shrugged his shoulders. “I don’t know. We broke up and we lost contact.”

“She was five months pregnant, Leland. And from what the understanding is, you were the father. Is that the case?”

“Yes.” he mumbled.

“So how was it, that you two didn’t have sex, yet she was pregnant with your child?” The man asked.

“We had sex,” he said. “Once. Right before we broke up.”

“And was that consensual sex?”

“Your honor!” Leland’s lawyer, objected.

“Was it, Leland?”

He didn’t look up, and instead answered. “I plead the fifth.”

“Answer, the question, Leland.” The man urged.

Leland shook his head. “No.”

“So you raped her?”


“And what happened after that?” He asked.

“Nothing.” he said. “She got pregnant.”

“Did you ask her to get an abortion? Or did you talk about keeping the baby?”

“She wanted to keep it.” He said.

“Did you ask her to get an abortion?”

He nodded.

“I’m done for now.” The man said.
♠ ♠ ♠
So, um, this is the first chapter. This is where the story starts to unfold. It's gonna get confusing, but hopefully I can work through that! haha! Comments? Please!