It Never Ends


School is like a prison. Thankfully its my senior year. The only thing that feels weird about school now, is that my best friend is not here.

He had graduated last year. Now he is touring America as everyone's favorite tattooed, vegetarian, clothing line owning, british simger for the band Bring Me The Horizon, Oliver Sykes.

I know what your thinking. How is a emo, black haired, blue eyed, british student, Chevey Johnson, best friends with Oliver Sykes. But I have known him since he became my neighbore when i was 3.

I miss him. Up until last summer, we were joined at the hips. Now he is halfway around the world.

Not noticing (until my finger started hurting), I bit my chipped black and green nails. The bell rang and everyone left the classroom, but instead of going to my next class, I walked out the back door and went to the park.

I sat on a picnick table near thebacketball courts, out of sight from everyone. I grabbed my sketch pad out of my bag and worked on my oil project of Oli. It was a picture of Oli I had taken when he found out his band was going on tour.

"How did I know you would be here?" Someone said from behind me. The voice sounded very familiar. I turned around and there he stood. Oliver Sykes. The boy that I was completely in love with.

"What are you doing here? Arnt you supposed to be in the United States until May?" I asked him but still ran up to him giving him a hug. With my arms around him I took in his sent that I missed so much.

"Our support bands had to leave early so the rest of the tour got cancelled," I could hear in his voice that he wasnt super depressed about it like most people should be. "but im okay with that because I really missed you." he added.

"I missed you to Oli!" I said, giving him another hug. This time he hugged me back.

" I want to tell you something Chev," he said pretty seriously. I unwrapped my arms from around his waist and looked him in the eyes..

"What is it?"

"I love you Chev. I always have."

I didnt know how to reply. Or atleast what to say. I wrapped my arms around his neck and kissed him. He was shocked at first but kissed back. I started tangling my fingers in his hair when he pulled away.

"I love you too Oli!" I told him. I could see the smile not only on his face but in his eyes to.

"Now why do you have 'High Five' tattooed on your hand?"

"Long story.." he said laughing. I guess the saying, if you love someone, let them go, if they love you too, they will come back. And Oli had come back for me.
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A oneshot for my friend..
