Status: The end. Thank you all so much for reading.


same .

Am I scaring everyone away? My sister won’t look at me anymore—she cowers in her room most of her stay home with me. My mother and father are always out, and they never call me down for dinner anymore because they know I’ll have a bullshit excuse as to why I don’t want to go down there and eat. No one at school really ever pays attention to the quiet dying kid. And now I chased May and Elijah away, the only people who pretended cared about me.

I’d never felt so alone. Everything just goes on as normal, as always, and I can’t say if I like it or not. Is it time to open up? Or will it just make my mother unhappy again? Would anyone even care if I did? I was so distressed about every word that came out of Elijah’s mouth that I locked myself in my room for almost two days. I didn’t want to talk, nor see anyone.

I just wanted to be what I’m most comfortable with: alone.

But is being alone really what I want?