Status: The end. Thank you all so much for reading.


same .

I sat on my bed staring at the folded piece of paper practically the whole night. The two halves of my brain were fighting one another for me to make a decision: to call, or not to call? Unfortunately (or maybe fortunately?) sleep got the better of both of them, and I was soon knocked out, paper still in hand.

I woke up the following morning to my whole family, whom were still watching me carefully. They tried to pretend everything was normal, though, just like my sister, mother, and father. They secretly watched me (their alibi was talking to one another) as I made 5 eggs, three of which I gave to my sister, ate the remaining egg whites, and fed the yolk to my dog. They continued to secretly watch as I made myself some coffee, packed together some things, and left the house, on my way to my college library to study.

I kept the piece of paper in my back pocket.

Maybe I’ll call him today
♠ ♠ ♠
Changed up the banner some.