Status: The end. Thank you all so much for reading.


wrists .

Elijah found me in the coffee shop. He sent May away as soon as he spotted me. She hesitated, gave me a shy smile (which I had returned) and left immediately. I wanted to ask why he wanted to sit with me alone, but, then again, I really didn’t. I didn’t mind it being just him and I.

“Coffee. Again.” He teased, reaching for my cup. I let him pick it up and take a quick sip, and then wipe his mouth with the back of his arm. “I never liked coffee much. ‘Only drank it ‘cause I needed a little pick-me-up.”

I smiled shyly.

He crossed his legs to the best of his abilities in his tight skinny jeans and gave me a lop-sided grin. “So how’s Graham’s world doing? Waiting for your class to start?”

“Pretty good.” I shrugged, picking at the plastic top on my coffee cup. “Yeah. Class begins in about”—I checked my watch—”20 minutes.”

Elijah ran his fingers through his own hair. “Hm.” He squinted his beautiful blue eyes at nothing in particular. “What can we do in 20 minutes?”

I shrugged.

“Let’s go walk, or something.” Elijah suddenly jumped up from the table. “So we can talk.” He flashed me another brilliant smile my way. I felt my heart melt; I could only nod dumbly and stand up to follow him.

We ended up getting ice cream. I was so hungry I was thinking about anything when I devoured it whole. He watched me eat the whole damn thing. And, as expected, guilt churned deep inside of me until I wanted to throw up. But Elijah was on my tail fast, so I had to stand there and let it clogmyaterieskillmybraincellsdrivemeinsane sit there and dissolve by my stomach acid.

“We should do this again sometime,” he told me.

I said nothing.