Status: (: loving it

You Can't Spell Slaughter Without Laughter

Chapter Ten.

I woke up with a major headache and a pain in my gut. I was in bed and didn't remember anything that was going on. And then it hit me.

Today must be May 1st.

Shaun is dead.

It's Monday. Dad walked in my room and told me I HAD to go to school today. Asshole.

I got up and ready in half an hour. I didn't bother to shower. I straightened my hair, hair sprayed it, and applied eyeliner and a light layer of red eyeshadow around my eye. I threw on an Iron Maiden sweatshirt, a white tee, and black skinny jeans. I tied up my black converse and sat in the front seat of my dad's car. I don't usually dress this gay and emo, but it makes me feel better. I out-gayed myself today.

Dad and Kailee got into the car fifteen minutes later. Dad looked at me and grunted, "Seems like the gay kid's rubbed off on you, huh?"

"His name is Shaun. And he was the nicest kid in the world."

"He's probably nice to you because he wants to fuck you!" he retorted.

"And what if I wanted him to?" I yelled.

"Then you won't be living in my house. I won't have a faggot for a son!" he screamed in my face. He angrily cussed out loud and raced off to DanBrook's. The ride was completely silent. My dad wouldn't even look at me. Kailee looked scared to death.

When we got to school, Dad practically pushed me out of the car. I swung my backpack over my shoulder and walked into school. Jasper and Blaine spotted me immediately, saw my look, and pinned me up against a random locker.

"How's the little homo?" Jasper whispered sadistically threw clenched teeth.

"I hope he's okay, I missed him," Blaine hissed, sounding as evil as Jasper.

"You want the truth?" I challenged. "You killed him. Both of you. You made his heart stop beating. You're responsible for his death."

"He deserved it!" Blaine yelled.

"What the fuck did he do to you? All he did was be himself and you punished him for it! What if someone was beating you up for being a jock? That's all you did and someone didn't like it. So, they beat you!" I said. My voice was trembling a little and my body was shocking. Blaine dropped me on the floor and both of the jocks walked away speechless.

I picked myself up off the floor and went to first period study hall. It was lonely. I couldn't talk to anybody. Class dragged on forever. The rest of the school day dragged on forever. But, anything is better than being with my father. He was going to yell at me tonight. And kick me out. The only hope for me is that my mother will forbid it. Because I doubt my father will actually care if I live under his roof or not. He didn't love me enough to stick with me if I was gay. He would give me up and push me on the streets.

I decided to walk the six miles home after school. Shaun only lived a mile away. Maybe I'd go see Deena. Ugh, she probably isn't even home. I continued to walk for about an hour and a half until I had no where else to go. I was home.

I walked into the door. Mom and Dad were sitting at the dining room table, waiting for me. Kailee was probably at soccer practice. I sat down across from them and looked them right in their eyes.

"Jacob Morgan, are you gay?" Mom asked.

"I.. I don't know. If anything, I'm bisexual." I said.

"You see, Marie! He's a disgusting little homo and likes it in the ass!" Dad said. He got up and slapped me right across the face.

"Someone needs to slap some god damn sense into you!" he screamed.

"DONALD!" Mama cried. "Get out! Get out of my mother fucking house! Nobody hurts my god damn kids!"

"Fine. Have fun with the drama queen whore and the faggot you have for children!" Dad yelled. He left the house and slammed the door really hard. Mom sobbed at the dining room table. I walked over to comfort her and she flinched and stormed upstairs.

What have I done?
♠ ♠ ♠
Love you(:
